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[AAR] Search and destroy

Posted: 2010-03-09 23:38
by Arnoldio
PMC Server, Silent eagle, CnC, CCCP side :D

Slow off the start, except from the CO, who rushed down to the airport and set a FOB there on the E side. Team slowly catches up, CO sends 2 squads out for patrol around the airport, while others build defensive assets.

So we went, N around the bunkers, along the fence, W down to the terminal. Someone saw contact, we held fire and moved on. Then a few meters ahead, just under the terminal we saw 2 crates and 2 guys, using a radio to place some assets. So there is 12 people lined up holding fire, looking at those two (probably a CO and a random guy) using the readio. After 10 seconds of dead silence, my SVD crosshair always pointing to the CO's head, he looks at us (we were no more than 25m away), pulls out his M4, and our Sl orders to open fire. I got the CO in one hit, the other one didnt even bother trying to fight.

We were the squad with the HAT, so the other one kept patrolling around while we made a quick walk back to our CO, who gave us orders to go seek for some enemy armour. We went N of the airfield very carefully, where we saw 2 bradleys in the distance. At that time the CAS (Havoc) was up and he was on a mission to hunt them down.

Meanwhile we went further to the W, as i saw a barn filled with foxholes and whatnot. So i reported everything to SL, he reported it to CO. By that time the other squad finished patrolling and joined us on the left flank. We advanced cautiously, Sl was taking a more direct route, i was going off to the right behind a hill for more cover. We called in CAS to soften up the defences, so he made a quick hydra/cannon strafe. Also having a friendly AAV helping us at the back was a real relief.

As we came closer, i've heard some bradleys rolling in (i persume that the previous hunting didnt go well). At that time CAS was rearming, so we had to stop our advance, AAV had to retreat. As the CAS was coming abck to take out those 2 bradleys, our courageous squad member puled out his HAT and destroyed one bradley, just 5 seconds later, the CAS rolled in, in a slow, low altititude attack, destroying the other bradley and killing a couple of leftovers from previous strike.

So i was on the right side of the barn, i could see the FOB inside. Then i spotted a guy, trying to shovel up the FOB to full health, and took time to deploy the SVD. He was gone in 2 shots.

10 seconds after, both squads entered the barn from 2 sides, found no resistance at all, took down the FOB and some of the assets.

Soon after that and a chat in the barn about our ascomplishment, we won the round.

Too bad the server isnt running BR, i would make a clip out of that for sure...

Re: [AAR] Search and destroy

Posted: 2010-03-09 23:58
by Kain888
Haha. A lot of epicness indeed. :D

You should say that Sneeky was a Commander (I hope I recall it correctly). He did awesome job at tactics with that FOB as well as pointing and coordinating attacks. :)

Re: [AAR] Search and destroy

Posted: 2010-03-11 11:31
by Nehil
Sorry, wrong thread!