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Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-03 16:08
by Brummy
Well, this whole PR:V thing got me psyched for Vietnam games :p

I loved Vietcong Co-op missions and BF:V multiplayer. Anyone else know any decent/good Vietnam games :) ?

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-03 16:13
by rampo
Vietcong: purple haze was good fun for PS2 but it took ages to load everytime you died..

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-03 16:34
by =Romagnolo=
Battlefield Vietnam.

Seriusly !

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-03 16:38
by Northwest Fresh
I played Vietcong and VC: Fist Alpha multiplayer on the PC forever. QUALITY stuff for when it was released. It was the first game I played where you could lay grenade-in-a-can traps. Beyond that, there were built in traps and tunnels in some of the maps. Air strikes, iron-sight Mosin Nagant sniping, bayonet assaults... I'm beginning to salivate, boys. :D

The weapon selection was awesome, combat was fun and fluid, but the game still had an "environment" about it. When things got quiet, you got suspicious. When the shit hit the fan, you either died on the spot or had an epic survival episode, trying to make it back to your medic. Does any of this sound familiar? ;-)

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-03 18:58
by Runningman
First and best 'nam game I've ever played!

Lost Patrol

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-03 19:05
by gazzthompson

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-03 20:31
by MaxBooZe
I WilL install BF V now! I would have installed EoD but the mirrors are down except for 2 North American ones which take a little too long for my taste..

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-03 20:33
by ma21212
Men Of Valor, Vietcong 2 (TONS of weapons), Shell shock 2, The hell in Vietnam, and finaly conflict Vietnam.

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-04 09:32
by Brummy
I heard Vietcong 2 sucked compared the the first installment, I really liked the Co-op of Vietcong with hardcore settings (no respawning, no HUD, etc.)

Never heard of Men of Valor before, looks pretty cool :)

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-04 09:59
by bosco_
Vietcong 2 did suck.

So did Shellshock 2 (unless you want VC zombies...).

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-04 11:10
by AfterDune
PR:V.. it's really awesome!

(I wonder if people will get it now ;) )

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-04 11:15
by BroCop
BF:V with Arsenal mod :D

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-04 11:54
by MaxBooZe
Anyone want to play BF:V? :D or EoD?

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-04 12:01
by Scot
Does EoD work with 1.5? Brummy told me it didn't...

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-04 12:04
by bosco_
I'm currently re-downloading it, will have to try.

edit: They released a hotfix ... rr=no-sess

Put in Battlefield 2/Mods/EoD/ and replace the existing

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-04 12:14
by sparks50
I have several Arma 2 vietnam mods to look forward to. VTE, unsung etc. The alphas out for the moment are in a so- and -so quality, but think its gonna shape out very nice.
These things are best with some human buddies fighting alongside you, no matter how sophisticated the AI buddies get, they are always a reality breaker to me so I just avoid playing with them.

The Arma games are something that can be awesome in pretty much any time period or war I think, because of the huge scale, ballistics etc.

I really regret loosing my BFV DVD. Thanks for the tip on the Arsenal mod, if I wasn't so broke I would consider re-buying it it now :D

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-04 17:03
by TrahnLee
Scot wrote:Does EoD work with 1.5? Brummy told me it didn't...
I does work with BF2 v1.5, but you DO need the hotfix file to stop the CTD from using the Mortars. - online file sharing and storage - download

Also, Operation Ghost Train and Mao Valley have new SP/CooP support.. You can find them at these links:

EOD Mao Valley SP » Download »

EOD Operation Ghost Train » Download »

Or - online file sharing and storage - download updated_levels.rar

Any questions, let me know.. There are some servers playing EoD as well.

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-04 17:18
by MajorPwnag3
sparks50 wrote:I really regret loosing my BFV DVD.
My dog ate one of my original BFV CDs. :lol:

Shellshock: 'Nam 67 was a very visceral game back in the day. It didn't get the greatest reviews, but I still thought it was cool, if only because it was in no way white-washed for a broad audience.

Battlefield Vietnam is still my favorite though, mainly because I mastered the art of using the rockets like anti-tank sniper rifles (and because the M60 loadout on the MACV maps was absurdly unbalanced). Plus, helicopters and Ride of the Valkyries are an unbeatable combination.

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-04 22:59
by Stogie
My fav Vietnam Games:
-Vietcong with Fist Alpha Addon
-Line of Sight Vietnam (for me the best) YouTube - LINE OF SIGHT : VIETNAM (trailer)

Re: Awesome Vietnam Games

Posted: 2010-04-05 10:03
by supahpingi
I guess we can add PR:V to the awesome vietnam games/mods list now