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Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 00:30
by Jaymz
That's right, the announcement of Project Reality: Vietnam on April 1 is real, and is currently being worked on by the Project Reality Team. The team successfully fooled the PR community into thinking it was a joke. We got some priceless reactions from community members that fell for it. Below are some of our personal favourites...

"Most fail April Fool's joke ever....
It made me /facepalm.
As soon as it saw it on my forum's RSS Feed, I was like wow PR just pulled the most fail April Fool's joke ever..."

Stealth Clobber:
"I sometimes doubt the intelligence of the player base when they can't tell immediately that this is a joke. A new PR mod, announced less than a month after PR Arma2, and still in BF2, in VIETNAM, conveniently on April Fools Day.
Come on now lol"

"Plausible, but complete bullshit."

"This could be an awesome idea if it wasn't an april fools joke.!"

For the last few months, a few members of Project Reality Studios have been secretly working on merging the award winning modification, Project Reality, and the Black Sand Studios modification, Eve of Destruction. With the famous PR game play, mixed with the expansive Eve of Destruction content, the Project Reality Team will bring you new maps, vehicles, weapons, strategies, and experiences.

Some more screen shots to whet your appetite:
Image Image Image
While the first release of Project Reality: Vietnam is some time away, stay tuned to the Project Reality Forums for more news and highlights as the project reaches its release goal.

-The Project Reality Team

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 00:38
by HangMan_
hehe so many people fooled! The best april fools so far ;)

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 00:40
by Rudd
Sneaky DEVs :) well done

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 01:06
by sgt.helltrouphy
We'll i can't wait to lose everybattle as U.S. :)

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 01:09
by ma21212
so...any idea on approximate release date?

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 01:14
by 49th-ServerAdmin
Yes, how far in development is this? Do we have a time online on release (weeks - months - years)? This looks to be very exciting... I love the Huey and to see it in it's glory days is AWESOME...

I'd have to say, depending on the the RP system I'll play the heck out of this mod...

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 01:46
by TrahnLee
There is a current, working, playable Alpha Build of the mod that is probably 95% complete. The only thing lacking is finalizing the maps we intend to use and testing the build. In a nutshell, just tieing up all the loose ends and ensuring everything works as intended.

For the most part, it will play like regular PR with maybe some slight changes, only 30 years in the past.

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 02:07
by Anhkhoa
So Spec_Operater was right!
But this is not a joke. It is too obvious to be a joke. The Devs knew we'd assume this is a joke and actually created it just to fool us. OR they knew that we'd think as far as that and it turns out to be actually a joke. OR they took it one step further, assumed that I'd assume that they'd assume that I'd assume that they'd assume that we'd assume that it is a joke so... what?

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 02:29
by 148kingtiger
:O you Left out one important detail! It was posted on the 31st!!!!!!!!!

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 02:34
by Tofurkeymeister
As long as there is a Vietnam version of that one PR Chinese island map, I'm fine :D .

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 02:51
by mo0nbuggy1
Will there be any Australian forces in this mod?

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 03:29
by TrahnLee
Tofurkeymeister wrote:As long as there is a Vietnam version of that one PR Chinese island map, I'm fine :D .
What is that map name?
mo0nbuggy1 wrote:Will there be any Australian forces in this mod?
Yes, PR:V features.. The US Army, ARVN, Aussies, French, North Vietnam and Vietcong. The US Army contains a Special Forces detatchment as well. All told, there are some 30 or 40 different soldiers within PR:V.

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 03:33
by Zrix
PR:V ftw :-D
Tofurkeymeister wrote:As long as there is a Vietnam version of that one PR Chinese island map, I'm fine :D .
[R-DEV]TrahnLee wrote:What is that map name?
Probably means Operation Barracuda.

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 03:33
by mo0nbuggy1
Awsome, I cant wait.

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 03:34
by M_Striker
You guys made it pretty tricky, yes. It was pretty obvious though (at least to me that) that the joke was to trick us into believe it was a joke.


Looks awesome though and i can't wait to try this one out.

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 03:47
by ma21212
eeerrrrrr..... can we haz M79 buckshot...

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 04:02
by Stoic Sentinel
Will we have to choose between either the current PR and PR:V or can we play both? :D

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 04:33
by BIGsmalll
I find this funny b/c i just reinstall BF:V like a week ago and was hooked again xD
So Spec_Operater was right!

But this is not a joke. It is too obvious to be a joke. The Devs knew we'd assume this is a joke and actually created it just to fool us. OR they knew that we'd think as far as that and it turns out to be actually a joke. OR they took it one step further, assumed that I'd assume that they'd assume that I'd assume that they'd assume that we'd assume that it is a joke so... what?
YES! i had to read that over a few times to make sure i read it right xD
that dude can read minds through the interwebs

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 04:50
by A-10Warthog
i think PRV should be put IN PR so then you have multiple TIME FRAMES of war and not just teams/maps. that would be fucking EPIC.

Re: Project Reality: Vietnam Update

Posted: 2010-04-05 05:14
by Tannhauser
A-10Warthog wrote:i think PRV should be put IN PR so then you have multiple TIME FRAMES of war and not just teams/maps. that would be fucking EPIC.
Somehow I had the same idea trotting my mind...

Though file size will grow heavy quick, but that has not stopped PR from progressing, has it?