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[Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-07 16:18
by Tirak
Just a request for information regarding planned weapons, vehicles and factions. I realize you guys may want to keep this under wraps until the first release, but if you don't it would be good to have a central list so we know what to expect :)


Re: [Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-07 16:23
by stealth420
Hueys that Blast music from the 60's is all we need !!!!!!!!

Re: [Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-07 16:27
by weixman
stealth420 wrote:Hueys that Blast music from the 60's is all we need !!!!!!!!
Would love to fly a huey with CCR-Green river :mrgreen:

Re: [Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-07 16:54
by TheOldBreed
as long as there's M48s, ACAVs, Hueys, 16s, 60s, Marines and adequate numbers of ol' charles himself to kill, i'm a happy gentleman.

Moderator Note: watch the racials, please. Even if in reference context, with no harm intended.

Re: [Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-07 18:13
by Wakain
I don't expect a serious answer from a dev, but judging the pics we've seen in "pieces of the puzzle" and what the dev's have told us in other topics, I think we can be sure of:
20mag m16a1's, m60's, hueys(sharkteeth gunships, slicks, medevacs), mi8's, old soviet tanks(t60s?) custom vietnam era soldier geometries(US army, VC and NVA, pr gameplay, corsair II's, F-4 Phantoms, oh-6 Loach, H-34 Choctaw and loads of other optimised or updated pr and eod stuff
maps: operation irving, couple more eod maps as well as old pr favorites as Tad Sae, operation ghost train and mao valley

and if we may believe trahn lee, the french will make an appearance as well

Re: [Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-07 18:14
by Hitman.2.5
H-34 choctaw anyone?

Re: [Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-07 18:18
by Wakain
please call me wakain, and yep that's what I meant, thanks

Re: [Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-07 19:20
by TheOldBreed
hopefully we won't be seeing a single T-54 unless there's an Easter of Ho Chi Minh Offensive map. likewise with the PT-76, unless we're fighting at Lang Vei or Ben Het.

EDIT: apologies for the use of slang earlier. no harm intended. it just slipped out :lol:

Re: [Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-07 20:38
by TeLe
I wonder if US:I's B52 will be implemented into it :o

Re: [Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-07 22:10
by TheOldBreed
TeLe wrote:I wonder if US:I's B52 will be implemented into it :o
i think an arc light should be in place of the JDAM in the current PR. would be immense. literally.

Re: [Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-08 00:22
by DeltaFart
I think broken arrow would be fun :D ONe hell of an area attack!

Re: [Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-08 01:00
by Hitman.2.5
broken arrow could just be a marker on the map so all attack aircraft can see it and come in and "assist" it would also be nice to see the AGM-62 walleye (predecessor to the AGM-65 Maverick).

Re: [Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-08 01:40
by Drunkenup
Hitman.2.5 wrote:broken arrow could just be a marker on the map so all attack aircraft can see it and come in and "assist" it would also be nice to see the AGM-62 walleye (predecessor to the AGM-65 Maverick).
Plus they didn't have any precision guided bombs, thus, more communication and teamwork required.
Assets I'd like to see
Old CH-47s
H-53 Sea Stallions
Kiowa Warriors
F-4 Phantom IIs
OV-10 Broncos

Re: [Request] Asset List

Posted: 2010-04-08 01:44
by DeltaFart
f14 never made it