Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

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Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by Grauers »

Hi! I would like to start by saying "Yes i've read the manual".

I would like to know if anyone could tell me exaktly how long the settle time on these weapons are and after you get a clear tone (lock on), does that mean
"shoot now"?
"shoot now, if you've settled from moving for atleast X seconds!"?

Yesterday i played operation archer, i managed to get into their main while some in my team was raping the base, i saw some idiot britt sitting with an anti air rocked launcher on his shoulder, i shot his face off, stole his kit and ran out of the main, ultra happy over my new toy!

Sat down in some bushes and trees about 200 meters from their main (i think) and waited for the chopper to respawn / take off.

Over all i saw about 4 choppers coming back to and taking off from the main, each time i had plenty of time to aim at them untill i got a "CLEAR TONE" (beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...) and thats when i fired each time.

I missed all four times.. A bit disappointed but curious i now come to the forum asking more experienced players to tell me what i did wrong...

(I had my squad put down supply crates not far from my position so i could to get another AA round after firing)
I had to quote Puglous:

It totally kills the mood when people are saying things like "*Yawn* Hey, enemies to the West and *yawn* stuff...............[they finally release their finger on the VOIP key after about a minute]" while bullets are wizzing by my head.
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by Zrix »

You sure they didn't deploy flares after you locked on?
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by joethepro36 »

My guess is you are doing fine and problem isn't with you. In my experience MANPADS in their current format are pretty flawed. I almost never shoot down enemy aircraft with them even if I fire half a dozen missiles in a round. This is all because of the flare system where after a lock a decent pilot will immediately dump flares and then the missile is useless. If you take the shot straight away it will be guided away by the flares but if you wait (presumeably for a chance to hit without flares) then the aircraft will either leave quickly or leave slower while dumping more flares.

This kind of thing leads to "hilarious" situations where CAS hueys can brave an anti-air emplacement and take it out in one run by charging in dumping flares.
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by Grauers »

Yeah about those flares..

I've seen how often they can dropp those things.. Its sick, every time i get a lock on they flares dropps shortly there after..

Do coppers and planes really have that many flares in reality?
Are anti air really this useless in reality?

I'd if not, i'd like to see some changes in the next update....
I had to quote Puglous:

It totally kills the mood when people are saying things like "*Yawn* Hey, enemies to the West and *yawn* stuff...............[they finally release their finger on the VOIP key after about a minute]" while bullets are wizzing by my head.
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by CryingReaper »

I was wondering the same thing. Anytime I'm on an AA I feel like I'm doing absolutely nothing to help. The pilots don't seem to care if they are locked onto cause they just deploy flare, and they can just keep coming back dodging all my missiles. Is there a point to building an AA?
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by UKrealplayER666 »

Realisticly choppers would carry arround 30 flares, but realisticly the chances of them using them on a mission are slim and if they where to be used it would be once before returning to base to assess the damage (proximity explosion and all), i think a balance between realism and gameplay needs to be made
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by Lawer01 »

When I'm using a handhold AA, I always use it places where pilots are not expecting it. Example: Muttrah when attack huey enters and leaves the targeted area he pops flares, except thees two times pilots only use them if they hear the lock sound. So you find a comfy position in a bilding's balcony where you can see the docks, and you start the waiting game. There is 1-2 sec delay when you get the lock and when the pilot, that's the time wen you need to shoot it. When I'm using the AA i get around 70-80% hits.
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by SnipeHunt »

I shoot as soon as I hear the lock. The only chance you have is to get that rocket on its way before the flares are fired. I've tried locking on from FAR and waiting for the flares to clear, but that never works. The early shot is pretty reliable.
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by theiceman »

Lawer01 wrote:There is 1-2 sec delay when you get the lock and when the pilot, that's the time wen you need to shoot it.
really? i never knew that :shock:

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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by Wo0Do0 »

CryingReaper wrote:I was wondering the same thing. Anytime I'm on an AA I feel like I'm doing absolutely nothing to help. The pilots don't seem to care if they are locked onto cause they just deploy flare, and they can just keep coming back dodging all my missiles. Is there a point to building an AA?
Yes there is, the trick for me to killing helicopter is wait for the first set of flares, aim away then re-lockon the heli.

If they're coming straight for you, then you shoot shoot-on-lock.
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)


I often go AA, last time on Muttrah I got two heli's after sitting in it for about 30mins.
Even if you don't shoot them down they get very put off by AA locks and almost pilots will stay away - so even if you're not shooting them down you're still helping your team.
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by Astromici »

Something in this thread got my attention? Proximity damage. How about we make it so that AAs' cause an explosive damage, so near hits will hurt troops the the chopper, and maybe make the pilot's screen flash read to scare them and let them know there is minor damage?
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by Rudd »

I find the most effective positions to destroy helis is when you are directly underneath or when the heli is heading away from you
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by Kaurava »

Astromici wrote:Something in this thread got my attention? Proximity damage. How about we make it so that AAs' cause an explosive damage, so near hits will hurt troops the the chopper, and maybe make the pilot's screen flash read to scare them and let them know there is minor damage?
That would be great, considering that many AA missiles aren't meant to hit the target directly but explode next to it to cause damage.
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by MaxBooZe »

[R-CON]Rudd wrote:I find the most effective positions to destroy helis is when you are directly underneath or when the heli is heading away from you
This. And make sure you fire the missle as soon as you get the tone and before the pilot dropped its flares. Dont do the "I wait for the 1st flares to go away" thing, doesn't work the heli will be long gone by then..
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Re: Infantry Anti-Air (SA7 etc)

Post by richyrich55 »

When I'm using the AA kit, I try to move the reticule around so that the lock doesn't stick to the flares and sticks instead to the aricraft. I also wait a couple seconds before I fire (while locked on the aircraft) just to be sure I have a solid lock. If you're lucky, you'll get a dumbass pilot that continues to fly around the area you're in and dump all his flares and then he's left with nothing and you get an easy kill. If I remember correclty, I shot down a MiG with the AA kit once on Kashan. The missile may fly for some time before it hits the target (because, you know, jets fly fast) but you'll likely get the kill. If you don't, shoot the mofo again.
"What's the advantage of these choppers when compared to a squad medic?"


"Medics dont have rotors."


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