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[AAR] Sniping on Fallelujah

Posted: 2010-04-09 01:10
by hueysrock
as the map began to load i crashed. shit. i then rejoined in time and made a sniper sqaud. about 5 people joined and our commander from last round (magicman) joined it. i said everyone go for sniper and ill be the spotter. magic got the sniper. so i got a medic kit. we went along the left side of map, then a bomb truck came. we ran away and it blew up and a cache with it. we went to a building, went inside and made our way to the roof we got about 10 kills and then someone sniped magicman. i thought he sniped me too because i was looking through my bino's and heard the noise and thought i was dead. but i wasnt. i revived him and we went down a story and hid in a room. we decided to bail and get back to base. i went first (hardoutly) with my m16 in hand aiming down the sight. then i got bored and was about to stop crouch walking when i saw a enemy lying down. i shot him. we ran back to base and got some ammo and stuff. after that we moved into another building to the south east of our other building. we sniped man after man and i loved it! the building we were in at the start turned out to be a cache building. we also spotted a dogbox there for the team. we then spotted another cache and shot numerous people. we saw a civi with bino's looking at us and we shot him too for good measure. :grin: (cant let him give us away!) we went back for ammo with 25 kills under our belts. we returned to the building and shot some more. this was the most fun I'd had in ages!
we ended the map with 38 kills for our sqaud. 2 for me and 36 for magicman. we had spotted caches, dogboxes had 1700points and operated with a spotter!(me) (happy admins?) we had like a minute to go so i boasted to the other team about our kills. we proved formidable. the game ended and then i crashed again. F*&K! :-D

Re: [AAR] Sniping on Fallelujah

Posted: 2010-04-09 16:36
by Jarryd_455495
Nice job, this on BigD server right? might see ya around if so

Re: [AAR] Sniping on Fallelujah

Posted: 2011-03-05 02:16
by hueysrock
Hah yea, :D was an awsome round.

Re: [AAR] Sniping on Fallelujah

Posted: 2011-03-05 02:38
by goguapsy
LOL! That sounded like a fun round!

Did you get punished for that civi kill? (Apparently not with that kind of score).

And LOL, once I got kicked from a server from celebrating "SNIPER DOWN!" in all chat once we killed a sniper that had wacked about 3 or 4 guys from my squad (dead dead, in the truck driver's sit). Hehe.

Re: [AAR] Sniping on Fallelujah

Posted: 2011-03-05 03:49
by havoc1482
hueysrock wrote:as the map began to load i crashed. shit.

I LOLed SO HARD HAHAHAHAHA. I just finished a bad round on the {H} server. Jabal, I was the only pilot and it was "HAVOC DO THIS" "HAVOC FLY ME THERE" "HAVOC I NEED A CRATE" and the one time I crashed "HAVOC YOU SUCK" "OMFG IS THERE ANYONE ON THIS SERVER THAT CAN FUCKING FLY?!" I felt like the admins were by-standing as I was verbally torn to shreds :(

Thank you for telling this story It made me feel better lol