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Is PR:Vietnam demanding like regular PR?

Posted: 2010-04-10 11:29
by maarit
so,with my crappy pc its very hard to play pr 0.91.
so i asking.
how demanding pr:vietnam gonna be?

Re: is pr:vietnam demanding like regular pr?

Posted: 2010-04-10 12:22
by Maxfragg
well, since its gonna be lots of jungle and big maps as well ... you should get a new pc :-P

Re: is pr:vietnam demanding like regular pr?

Posted: 2010-04-10 12:38
by maarit
operation ghost train worked just fine in regular pr for me.
and operation ghost train is in pr:vietnam...

pr:vietnam gives me hope. :p

Re: is pr:vietnam demanding like regular pr?

Posted: 2010-04-10 13:05
by Snazz
Maxfragg wrote:its gonna be lots of jungle and big maps as well ...
Most of the EOD maps I've tried are tiny by PR standards. The smallest ones have a reasonable level of vegetation density but the slightly larger ones are quite open and relatively bare.

OGT and Tad Sae are 1x1km so that's the smallest in PR, but they do have a decent amount of vegetation (albeit vanilla Chinese style rather than tropical jungle.)

I'd like to see the thick plants and bushes from some of EODs maps (the ones that sway like it's windy and cover the jungle floor) mixed with the trees from the Brazilian comfac jungle maps mixed together.

Re: is pr:vietnam demanding like regular pr?

Posted: 2010-04-10 14:08
by Beowulf2525
I'm guessing the maps will be smaller, but have much more in terms of terrain than the other PR maps. Smaller maps, but much less open ground. I think they'd balance out in this manner, but I'm just guessing here.

Re: is pr:vietnam demanding like regular pr?

Posted: 2010-04-10 18:10
by salaminl
It doesn't always have to be jungle everywere, just like small parts or big parts.


Re: is pr:vietnam demanding like regular pr?

Posted: 2010-04-10 18:25
by ma21212
or no jungle at all
pic of the DMZ.

Re: is pr:vietnam demanding like regular pr?

Posted: 2010-04-10 21:26
by Beowulf2525
Guess I stereotyped. My apologies.

Re: is pr:vietnam demanding like regular pr?

Posted: 2010-04-10 22:13
by Exterior
i would gladly sacrifice (in this case) the size of the map a bit to make it very realistic jungle play. thick and impossible to see infront of you.

Re: is pr:vietnam demanding like regular pr?

Posted: 2010-04-11 02:47
by rushn
yeah i like small maps :)

Re: is pr:vietnam demanding like regular pr?

Posted: 2010-04-11 10:19
by Adetter
I want a tight jungle map with caves and LMG spots for VC.

Re: Is PR:Vietnam demanding like regular PR?

Posted: 2010-04-22 04:37
by Sneak Attack
ya nice small maps with insane amounts of foliage, maybe some night/dusk maps too

Re: Is PR:Vietnam demanding like regular PR?

Posted: 2010-04-22 10:03
by maarit
i have bad news and good news...
bad news is that my old pc blowed up. :sad:
good news is that my new quad core thing with 5850 card will arrive maybe tomorrow. :razz:

so im not bothered anymoe how demanding it is.
and more bad news...all my money is spended :smile:

Re: Is PR:Vietnam demanding like regular PR?

Posted: 2010-04-22 21:57
by SCE_BloodyStars
Haha, well I guess something bad turned into something good.

Anyway, small maps just aren't that realistic no matter how much vegitation, a battle is played over miles of terrain.

Re: Is PR:Vietnam demanding like regular PR?

Posted: 2010-04-23 09:58
by Herbiie
SCE_BloodyStars wrote:Haha, well I guess something bad turned into something good.

Anyway, small maps just aren't that realistic no matter how much vegitation, a battle is played over miles of terrain.
Depends on the "battle".

1) The Term Battle is really out dated now, and 2) It completely depends on what the Objective is, if the US are trying to clear out a village controlled by the VC it will be an incredibly small area, maybe even less than 1km square, if, however, the US are trying to find the VC in the jungle then it will be much bigger.

Re: Is PR:Vietnam demanding like regular PR?

Posted: 2010-05-16 17:07
As long as its realistic and I have fun with my squad I'm Happy, I can't wait to see the fire fights unfold in thick jungle while moving at a snail pace to get to our objective ambushed or vice versa shooting at leaves and anything that moves. I have no problem with my pc when playing any of the old maps so I'm sure PR.Vietnam won't be to demanding compared to .91

Re: Is PR:Vietnam demanding like regular PR?

Posted: 2010-05-16 17:59
by Shaihuluid
Sneak Attack wrote:ya nice small maps with insane amounts of foliage, maybe some night/dusk maps too
*players stumble around in the jungle with visibillity shorter than the length of their M16s only to get gunned down by tards running around in circles with ak47s*

Oh gawd, please lets not do this. Tad sae level of foliage is probably more than enough for the vietnam jungle.

Re: Is PR:Vietnam demanding like regular PR?

Posted: 2010-05-16 18:48
by ComradeHX
All I look for is massive overhead concealment to make un-coordinated bombing less effective, that will promote teamwork.