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AMD overdrive for a Gt5637e Motherboard

Posted: 2010-04-10 23:37
by theiceman
This may be a stupid question but i am trying to overclock my AMD atholn 6000+. I have a Gt5637e Motherboard and when ever i DL overdrive it says "Cannot detect AMD 7 chipsets" I was wondering if their is another version that will be supported by my mobo... ive looked an cannot find it. THANKS!

Re: AMD overdrive for a Gt5637e Motherboard

Posted: 2010-04-11 16:55
by VoXiNaTiOn
Use the BIOS, much more reliable and less likely to break your hardware.

Guides are in stickies at the top of the forum :) .

Re: AMD overdrive for a Gt5637e Motherboard

Posted: 2010-05-25 19:19
by SocketMan
One of the very first versions of AOD works for every board,the trouble is the software has
gotten much better since.