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Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-11 22:07
by BabylonCome
I was just wondering what maps don't people like....

My clan has noticed over this past few weeks that certain maps just empty our server, they are as follows:

Silent Eagle (don't know why, this is an awesome map)
Dragon Fly (the lag is just unplayable)
Asad Khal (nobody likes the new layout)
Qin Ling (again another awesome map but just empties servers)

There are some maps that always do well and fill or keep players on but what maps have you noticed just empty servers?

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-11 22:13
by joethepro36
Dragonfly for performance issues.
All 4km maps because a lot of people don't like the lack of infantry focus and/or the long distances to meet the enemy.
Barracuda because the chinese often just sit and wait for the americans.
Korengal because of the difficult US play.

Have to disagree with you about asad, it seems like a good seeder map to me. Servers running it seem to fill up very quickly due to the quick action.

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-11 23:00
by Zi8
BabylonCome wrote: There are some maps that always do well and fill or keep players on but what maps have you noticed just empty servers?
Siege at ochmchira to the list aswell, and almost Qwai River too which is quite surprising.

Though well establised bigger servers have no difficulty in running any map with any layer

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-12 00:17
by >para<
i looove silent eagle ,on asad IDF loosing half of the tickets untill they get mansion ,and other half to capture south obj,you can see mutrah get more popular now ,kashan too

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-12 00:35
by Gore
I used to really hate Asad Khal, in fact my most hated map, but now I really enjoy it, I think it's one of the best. I think it's because there's alot more action at the mansion now.

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-12 07:04
by Web_cole
I'm not sure there are any maps that are always going to be server killers. Joe makes a good point about people leaving on the 4K maps cause of a lack of action, infantry fighting and long distances. But then I've seen the large 'combined arms' maps go down really well too.

It's a pretty un-exact science is what I'm saying. For instance, Asad Khal in my experience is very popular for seeding. But I'll give you my list:

Korengal: In a word, clusterf*ck (And not the good kind)

Dragonfly: Looks like a great map, but too many people have performance issues (Still)

Ochamchira: Basically the problem with this map is it sucks if you don't know how to attack. Which is a more common issue than you might think. And this results in a crappy round for both teams.

4K Maps (Qin Ling, Yamalia, Kashan, Silent Eagle): The problem here is, imo, most of the team is going to be infantry. And this means that more than usual, in order to get anywhere, you're going to have to rely on APCs and choppers to transport you. And we all know that a) pubbies can't fly, and b) APC crews don't know what APC means. :p

But saying all that, it depends. I've had awesome rounds on Korengal, and I freekin' hate that map with a passion. Cole out ;)

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-12 16:20
by Orford
Asad Khal was a winner nice team work setting up and holding a line and moving into mansion under fire with surpression fire coming over from your team mates. Hopefully once the FOB issue is sorted it will got back to being a great clsoe battle map. But until then it dose suck not being able to build a FOB to the west or a hide out close to the edge of the map to the east.

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-12 16:25
by Outlawz7
Qinling has been killing servers before 0.9, so that's not a new one, dunno about the rest, probably just the tard fleet wanting Muttrah for choppers and Insurgency maps for leet wtfbbqqpwnzor US vs failsurgents and starting a kiddie fit at anything else.

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-12 20:20
by boilerrat
jabal al burj.

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-12 20:34
by Tte.oteo
boilerrat wrote:jabal al burj.
yes jabal maybe kill the server cause we was played this map [(34.789+84.000)]x2 times :-P

but.. i belive that the reason of map killers its not (IMO) exactly the map, at some hours, normally in the night when the mature members are playing, maps like Korengal, kashan yamalia silent eagel have a very very good rounds.

I dont have a server, but i belived that if i have it, i will make two map lists.. one with quick actions maps and other with slow tactics maps to change in some hours. :idea:

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-12 20:35
by snooggums
Only server killer I see regularly is Barracuda. A great scenario map that just doesn't work too well with public play as the US can win based on tickets without ever capping a flag, but what usually happens is they lose a bunch of tickets in choppers and rarely get a foothold.

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-13 04:46
by Dev1200
Qinling, Dragonfly, Iron Ridge, Kozelsk, qwai, Ochamchira, Gaza, Lashkar, and Korengal (Spawns are messed..)


Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-13 10:55
by BabylonCome
LOL - looking at the response to my question it would of been easier to ask what maps fill your servers....

Seriously, thanks to those that have replied what is interesting is that many maps that do well for my clan appear not to do well for others. However there does appear to be a few that appear in near all responses, mainly the large 4Km maps which I still find strange as these to me represent what PR is really all about. The use of combined arms to move troops around and then plan strategic infantry movements with armour and air support to attack or defend a given point. I guess these larger maps require out and out team play and interaction between squads and support to ensure victory and this isn't always possible on a public server but usually are the favourite maps for inter-clan scrims.

What about Insurgency and skirmish modes...?

I personally hate skirmish as this mode feels more like COD4 than PR and involves too much running and gunning for my likings and while I do enjoy being BluFor on insurgency, I have a hate for being an insurgent because there is too much waiting around for the enemy to turn up and then with them usually having better guns, find it can be very hard to stop them advancing - but this is just me.....

What's your thoughts on these modes regarding to if they fill or empty servers?

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-13 14:23
by manligheten
BabylonCome wrote: Seriously, thanks to those that have replied what is interesting is that many maps that do well for my clan appear not to do well for others. However there does appear to be a few that appear in near all responses, mainly the large 4Km maps which I still find strange as these to me represent what PR is really all about. The use of combined arms to move troops around and then plan strategic infantry movements with armour and air support to attack or defend a given point. I guess these larger maps require out and out team play and interaction between squads and support to ensure victory and this isn't always possible on a public server but usually are the favourite maps for inter-clan scrims.
The problem with most 4 km maps is that there are too much assets screwing up the infantry/non-infantry ratio ending in most people doing nothing. Yamalia is good because there there are a reasonable amount of assets. 32 people in each team is to little to get any actual "combined arms".

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-13 15:26
by snooggums
BabylonCome wrote:LOL - looking at the response to my question it would of been easier to ask what maps fill your servers....

Seriously, thanks to those that have replied what is interesting is that many maps that do well for my clan appear not to do well for others. However there does appear to be a few that appear in near all responses, mainly the large 4Km maps which I still find strange as these to me represent what PR is really all about. The use of combined arms to move troops around and then plan strategic infantry movements with armour and air support to attack or defend a given point. I guess these larger maps require out and out team play and interaction between squads and support to ensure victory and this isn't always possible on a public server but usually are the favourite maps for inter-clan scrims.

What about Insurgency and skirmish modes...?

I personally hate skirmish as this mode feels more like COD4 than PR and involves too much running and gunning for my likings and while I do enjoy being BluFor on insurgency, I have a hate for being an insurgent because there is too much waiting around for the enemy to turn up and then with them usually having better guns, find it can be very hard to stop them advancing - but this is just me.....

What's your thoughts on these modes regarding to if they fill or empty servers?
Skirmish is great for filling servers after a crash, last about 30 minutes (or shorter as the more people join the faster they die and give up tickets) as people join in and gives people something to do right away without needing transport, etc. I wouldn't suggest a 64 players server playing skirmish regularly. Insurgency is not usually a good filler simply because intel collection makes it very slow, which while I enjoy the slow pace myself most people don't. It works better when there are 30+ people on the server.

The 4km maps are the best seeders for general players because of the assets, but it also means that the round will usually start very randomly and you end up with a crappy multi hour game instead of a short one like skirmish. What we do at TG is start the maplist with a seeder skirmish map to have available for seeding or for people rejoining after a server crash, and then anything after that as the critical mass of player numbers are what fills a server regularly. The critical mass being available to seed is why general servers are populated more often than others, not the map list itself.

I will withhold comments on single map servers other than to say they are reminiscent of 24/7 Karkand maps from BF2, with the same level of teamwork and civility ;)

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-13 16:35
by drs79
I'm not a big fan of Fools Road or Kozelik right now, I don't have any negative things to say about the map, its just that I have played those two maps the most in .9 and .91 and haven't really had the chance to play any other maps more than twice.

Re: Server Killers

Posted: 2010-04-13 21:49
by SocketMan
Why not just run Vehicle Warfare on all 4km maps ?

Would solve any transportation "issues" :razz: