Jusazn wrote:I, being Cambodian, would LOVE Cambodia to be apart of this. Man. I just wish.
Not that I am proud, but we need some Cambodian Communist in this. Including the Khmer Rouge. They caused a lot of shit, including what is known as the Killing Fields and is in the top ten of the largest genocides in the world.
Then, considering that Cambodia is literally bordered with Vietnam, and totally despises Vietnam, (Personal experience. My grandfather hates the Vietnamese. No matter what.) we could have a communist on communist battle. =O.
Just wanted to bring it up, having no experience, I'll just sit on my *** and be that guy who got the idea.
Edit: Now that I think about it, Vietnam was the second indo-china war wasn't it? ...War between Cambodia and Vietnam was AFTER it.
Cambodia had a Civil War. Which was backed by the US and Vietnam. Vietnam on one side, US on the other. Hmm.
I would like to see the folowing factions in game :
First Indochina War :
Anti-Communist forces :
French Union Army :
French Army
Vietnamese Army
Cambodian Army
Laotian Army
And all the the other countries under French colonial rule all around the world so don't forget the Arabs and Black people who served and died for freedom in Indochina.
United Kingdom :
Communist Forces :
Viet Minh
Khmer Issarak
Pathet Lao
Second Indochina War :
Anti-Communist forces :
South Vietnamese Army
Khmer Army (Cambodian Army)
Laotian Army
United States Army
South Korean Army
Australian Army
New-Zealander Army
Thailandese Army
China (Taiwan)
Communist Forces :
North Vietnamese Army
Viet Cong (South Vietnamese Communists)
Red Khmer (Cambodian Communists)
Pathet Lao
Chinese Communist Army
North Korean Army
Say to your father that he musn't hate the Vietnamese people because it's not the fault of the Vietnamese people that peoples have being tortured and killed but it is the fault of the Communist Dictators not the fault of the people.
I have Vietnamese and Chinese origins and I hate dictators but I don't hate the people.
To the Project Reality Dev's :
I also don't like the name of your mod : Project Reality : Vietnam
Viet Nam is a country.
It is writed Việt Nam in two words in romanized Vietnamese.
Only the journalists bound the word Viet and Nam.
The romanized Vietnamese became the official language script in Viet Nam in 1920 during the French colonial rule. The romanized Vietnamese use Latin characters instead of the Han Tu (or Han Nom or Chu Nom) wich are characters from the Chinese.
The Han Dinasty was a Chinese Dinasty who was the most advanced country on world 2000 years ago.
Viet Nam was under the rule of the Han Dinasty. And by the South-East Kingdom of Ngo (or Wu) at the end of the Han Dinasty.
The Chinese Characters came from the South-East China and they were incorporated in the Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese language.
So if you want to refeer to the Viet Nam War, please use :
Project Reality : The Viet Nam War
Nam means South in Vietnamese.
Viet is the name of the people.
It's very offensive to use the word " Vietnam " like it was juste a war place.
You are offending the Vietnamese people by referring Viet Nam like it was just a war place.
Also don't say Viet Nam Era but say the Viet Nam War Era.
The Vietnamese hate when people refer Viet Nam to only a war.
If you want to have a bit
respect of other people and if you want to be
accurate on the
real meaning.
So if you want to add those informations in your mod during the loading map screens just like Dice did in Battlefield Viet Nam, you can.
I hope that there will be also
South Vietnamese, cambodian and laotian pop music from the time before 1975 during the loading map screens and not only American rock music.
I wish that we could hear North Vietnamese, South Vietnamese music, Cambodian music and Laotian music inside Vehicles.
Also, be careful with anachronism about music, battles date and historical events if you want to make a real project reality.
I hope that there will be the first battle with the Britishs and Indians against the Viet Minh on september 1945 to the Fall of Phnom Penh in Cambodia, the Fall of Sai Gon in South Viet Nam and the Fall of Vientiane in Laos in 1975.
The Viet Nam War : The Fall of Sai Gon : The South Vietnamese Army in their last days - YouTube
1975 was a sad year because the communists taked the control over Viet Nam, Cambodia and Laos and established a Communist Dictatorship and raped, tortured and killed millions of people that were against their dictatorship including children, wives and old persons. It is worst than the the thousands of innoncent people that were raped, tortured and killed by some South Korean soldiers and American soldiers.
Most of the South Vietnamese soldiers, cambodian soldiers and laotian soldiers were send to " Reeducation camps " wich was in reality concentration camps where they must work for the communists and they could only eat 1 bowl of rice per day and nothing more. If they are sick, they don't get medicine. The communists just let them die like animals.
My uncle was in the South Vietnamese Air Force and was sent in those concentration camps and my grandmother had to pay the communists to get her son back. When he came back at home, he was thin like a stick.
Thousands of Indochinese flee their country with nothing on them.
They flee by boat and had nothing except some bread and a bit driking water.
My dad and my uncle flee Viet Nam by boat.
The Communists shot near their boat at night but luckily they didn't touched the boat.
Some of the boat-people have being raped, tortured and killed by pirates.
Other have been captured by communists when trying to escape and then violated, tortured and killed. Other have been killed by sea storms, sharks, sea snakes and starvation.
Some boats where full of people and some parents had no choice to let their children go on the boat alone because their was no more enough place on the boat.
The South Vietnamese boat-people - YouTube
The Viet Nam War : The South Vietnamese Exodus - YouTube
Thank you for respecting the peoples of the world in advance.