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Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-04 00:48
by killacure2
As an avid pilot, I love popping into PRSP's Al Basrah and hopping into the gunner seat of the Apache or flying it with a bot. Unfortunately, by the time you spawn and GET TO DA CHOPPA, the bot is already taking off and you are left standing there like a moron. It would really help to either place a spawn point at the two helicopters.

Thanks a lot dev's!

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-05 01:14
by RoAdRa$H
it's also a problem because is DOD off?

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-05 01:15
by RoAdRa$H
dont forget they crowd in..

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-05 01:44
by octo-crab
Moved to the feedback area as it's not a bug.

Agreed though, bots stealing MY vehicles is rather annoying :P

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-05 08:07
by Jarryd_455495
I Agree. Although till it gets fixed i find the best way is to grab the other Apache and go pick up some random bot, then change seats.


(offtopic: was the driving routes for the bots changed? next release? they don't seem to have for me. I was just wondering)

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-05 10:20
by ballard_44
I swear there is an Apache in the 'corner' where only a human can spawn close to?
Should be a Lynx there, too?

Maybe the GPO changed?

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-05 11:27
by Jarryd_455495
[R-DEV]ballard_44 wrote:I swear there is an Apache in the 'corner' where only a human can spawn close to?
Should be a Lynx there, too?

Maybe the GPO changed?
Yeah, thats the "other one" i was talking about

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-05 20:27
by myles
i dont play co-op alot but when i do i shoot the bots if the try to get in a chopper of attck heli i shoot them

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-05 20:48
by Drunkenup
If theres a specific vehicle you want them to not use AT ALL. Then see List of important modding threads - Battlefield SinglePlayer Forum, scroll down to the first AI related answer. Remember to make a backup.

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-05 20:53
by DMull
Get in switch seats with the driver/pilot-bot and then get out before you die. Then get the kit and go have some fun! While we're talking about bots and vehicles, did anyone notice that if you get in with a bot from a different squad you can merely change seats to override the "you must be in this vehicle with someone in your squad" thing?

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-05 21:07
by myles
DMull wrote:Get in switch seats with the driver/pilot-bot and then get out before you die. Then get the kit and go have some fun! While we're talking about bots and vehicles, did anyone notice that if you get in with a bot from a different squad you can merely change seats to override the "you must be in this vehicle with someone in your squad" thing?
But the thing is they take off before you get to it

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-05 21:23
by 503
Whenever bots steal my helicopter in co ops, I shoot them down. They're better off not flying helicopters :-o

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-06 00:32
by xI DIaboLoS Ix
Hahahah, i know what you mean. Damn bots steal my assets they get some bullets up there arrse :wink:

I dont think the devs will even bother with this one. :-P


Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-06 01:09
by killacure2
xI DIaboLoS Ix wrote:Hahahah, i know what you mean. Damn bots steal my assets they get some bullets up there arrse :wink:

I dont think the devs will even bother with this one. :-P

worth a shot...

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-28 00:44
by MattMan569
I really hope this does get fixed. Can't you make spawns that only players can spawn at, not bots? If not there should be, as I saw above, a little 'airfield' that only players can get to.

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-05-28 05:46
by sharon.wilson321
yaaa otherwise it just annoying

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-08-18 17:23
by bluehawk112
killacure2 wrote:As an avid pilot, I love popping into PRSP's Al Basrah and hopping into the gunner seat of the Apache or flying it with a bot. Unfortunately, by the time you spawn and GET TO DA CHOPPA, the bot is already taking off and you are left standing there like a moron. It would really help to either place a spawn point at the two helicopters.

Thanks a lot dev's!
Read this and then you know, how to place your apache to another place by replacing a vehicle (like a jeep) by an additional helicopter.
Theoretically, you can replace all vehicles in any map by an apache.
Hopefully, you find a vehicle, that is close enough to your spawn point.

This Tutorial will help explain how to take out vehicles you may not like. Or add some of you favorite vehicles to a map that is just craving for some extra fire power.

Were going to be working with Kashan Desert (Since this has been a recent topic of interest).

Were only going to be working with two files. But first lets load up the gameplayobject.con

[Directory]:C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\pr_sp_85 or pr_sp8\levels\kashan desert\\gamemodes\gpm_coop\64\gameplayob ject.con

The File should look like this.

Take a look at this file and familiarize your self with it and it's setup.

[FYI]: Your file will MUCH MUCH MUCH LARGER, probably a couple of thousand lines.

rem ********** Object Spawner **********
rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_southeli]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_southeli
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_southeli
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 she_ec635
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 180
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 180
ObjectTemplate.spawnDelayAtStart 1
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 240
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1

rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_aa]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_aa <<<<<<--------(This for the most part gives you a breif discription of what and where is going to spawn at this location.)
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_aa
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 zpu4 <<<<<<------------------(This is the line of code you are going to have to replace.)
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 320 <<<<<<-----\
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 320<<<<<<--------(These are the time restraints that are placed on the asset when it comes to spawning.)
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 12000
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100 1 <<<<<---------(This explains which team will have access to the weapon or vehicle.)
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1

rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_tnk_0]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_tnk_0
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_tnk_0
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 iraqtnk_t72
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 180
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 180
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 300
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1

rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_tnk_3]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_tnk_3
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_tnk_3
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 iraqtnk_t72
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 180
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 180
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 240
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1

rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_apc]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_apc
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_apc
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 jep_vodnik
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 320
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100
ObjectTemplate.maxNrOfObjectSpawned 2 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1

rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_rpr]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_rpr
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_rpr
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 jep_vodnik
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 300
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1

rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_rpr_0]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_rpr_0
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_rpr_0
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 jep_vodnik
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 300
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1Now the other file we are working with is the vehicles folder. (This folder holds all the information of all the vehicles in the game.)

[Directory]:C:\Program Files\ EA GAMES\ Battlefield 2\mods\pr_sp_85 or pr_sp8\objects\\vehicles

Once you have this folder open you will see a couple of other folders that will include all of you land, air, and sea vehicles.

Lets go into the land vehicles and use the british challenger (just so you can easliy tell that this is effecting the map.) , or whatever vehicle you are wanting to add.

Go back into the gameplayobject.con, and replace one of the (jep_vodnik) with a (gb_tnk_challenger_green)

It should look like this.


rem ********** Object Spawner **********
rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_southeli]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_southeli
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_southeli
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 she_ec635
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 180
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 180
ObjectTemplate.spawnDelayAtStart 1
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 240
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1

rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_aa]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_aa
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_aa
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 zpu4
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 320
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 320
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 12000
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1

rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_tnk_0]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_tnk_0
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_tnk_0
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 iraqtnk_t72
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 180
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 180
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 300
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1

rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_tnk_3]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_tnk_3
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_tnk_3
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 iraqtnk_t72
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 180
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 180
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 240
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1

rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_apc]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_apc
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_apc
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 jep_vodnik <<<<<<<-------(Change this to "gb_tnk_challenger_green")
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 320
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100
ObjectTemplate.maxNrOfObjectSpawned 2 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1


It should look like this after alteration.

rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_apc]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_apc
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_apc
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 gb_tnk_challenger_green
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 320
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100
ObjectTemplate.maxNrOfObjectSpawned 2 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1


rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_rpr]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_rpr
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_rpr
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 jep_vodnik
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 300
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1

rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: cpname_kd_64_mecmain_rpr_0]
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_rpr_0
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner cpname_kd_64_mecmain_rpr_0
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "StonedUser"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 jep_vodnik
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 120
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 300
ObjectTemplate.Distance 100 1
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1Now when you load the map you should have a green challenger at the MEC main base sticking out like a sore thumb.

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-09-04 16:58
by Puslox
Can't anyone make the bots spawn after all players have joined the game?

Re: Bots Stealing Helicopters: Al Basrah

Posted: 2010-09-04 17:08
by Outlawz7
We've largely addressed this issue by splitting up where bot and human vehicles spawn for 0.95.