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[Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-16 11:03
by Herbiie
Hey guys:

The game ended 110 - 0 in favour of the Ruskies, although us Brits lost 100 Tickets in the last minute of the game due to the ticket bleed :(

Very Close game, 'twas good fun.



Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-16 11:20
by Jigsaw
Lol, nice vid Herbiie that was a very good competitive round and I think both teams were pretty well matched. Looking forward to more :)

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-16 12:21
by robbie3211
Good vid! I like the epic music, it sure does give you the feeling that it's a tournament to see wich country is the best if you include such music, looking forward for more!

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-16 13:46
by Herbiie
robbie3211 wrote:looking forward for more!
Not Until next year mate :P

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-16 14:04
by Tim270
Well done Team Russia, you guys gave us a very enjoyable game :)

Also, I sound so dam sexy.

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-17 10:17
by Murkey
Nice vid Herbiie, and a fun game everyone.

I spent the whole defence just patching people up - good times.

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-17 11:19
by Smegburt_funkledink
Herbiie wrote:Not Until next year mate :P

Where did you get this information? 'Cause it's wrong. :P

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-17 17:54
by Herbiie
Sgt.Smeg wrote:?

Where did you get this information? 'Cause it's wrong. :P
Isn't PRWC going to be annual?

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-17 21:09
by Aimed
i blame munchy just look at those deaths :p

you can't hear me at all in the vid cause i had lost my voice so i was so quiet :mrgreen:
it was a good game, if only some people had survived the last arty strike, we could have won :(

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-17 21:30
by rampo
Suprised that UK lost, was sorta looking forward to kick british *** :O

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-17 21:38
by Herbiie
rampo93(FIN) wrote:Suprised that UK lost, was sorta looking forward to kick british *** :O
We were going to win, but we didn't build enough fox holes and cover at Operations base, so the artillery took us out and they were able to get the bleed, which made us loose all our tickets :(

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-17 21:39
by Aimed
dont forget we were 2 men down :(

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-18 12:43
by RedSparrow
Lol, next time if it's at the same time I'm going to call in sick at work so I can attend so we get into the next round! ;P

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-18 13:06
by Runningman
Great video Herbiie! A big thanks to you and all the other tireless medics for keeping us going as long as you did up on that hill.....It was a fantastic effort from the whole team, and despite the loss it was great fun..... I look forward to the chance of having many more games with the chaps and chapette of Team GB :)

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-18 13:07
by Smegburt_funkledink
Yeah, srsly Ms.Sparrow. I blame you for our loss. :(

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-18 13:24
by gazzthompson

Final score, im not surpised the Russians are skilful players as IIRC they (or at-least use to) have a VERY active PR skirmish league, was more active than PRL if i remember.

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-18 13:43
by burghUK
im so sad i missed it but the chuffin TA choose the most conflicting dates for an experience weekend.

munchy score fail :p

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-18 14:27
by Cheditor
Smeg i thought we were blaming Rudd, hmm well we could blame both?

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-18 14:47
by Smegburt_funkledink
Well, usually I blame Robbi for everything. Rudd knows it's his fault, so that's ok. I would blame Munchy but it's unfair to blame a nub. I should technically blame myself but it makes more sense to blame a woman. For the record though, it's all Brummys fault, he knows why. :lol:

Re: [Video] PRWC Round 1 - GB Vs Rus - The Defence of PLA Operations Base!

Posted: 2010-05-18 15:04
by Web_cole
Sgt.Smeg wrote:Well, usually I blame Robbi for everything. Rudd knows it's his fault, so that's ok. I would blame Munchy but it's unfair to blame a nub. I should technically blame myself but it makes more sense to blame a woman. For the record though, it's all Brummys fault, he knows why. :lol:
Who knew the blame game could be so complicated :p