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[AAR] 0.9 Archer airfield.

Posted: 2010-05-19 22:58
by risyboy
Just had a great game at the UKWF server who were playing on Archer.
Jumped into a squad with 101st_AirborneRanger as the squad leader.

After playing for a while we had taken down a cache a little while ago and where going to the next who was in the airfield. We got in a jeep and stormed in just after an artilerry barrage had hit the compund. We quickly got in and moved on top of the bunker. Just as we were moving into shooting positions we saw three contacts on top of the main building. When everyone had moved into positions the sq counted down and we shot simultaneously. The first one went down at once and the second one went just as fast. The third one was one story down, but we got him soon after. I spotted atleast two guys in the two small buildings next to the main building and opened fire. The sq then called out about three contacts all the way left of the compund. Two of the guys ran across the compund trying to reach the oher side. The third enemy was on the outside of the compund and ran away. We took down the two contacts running across, but we then started taking fire and some were getting injured. Then we decided to fall back and we all ran back to the jeep and got the hell out of there with no downed squad members.

Im sure alot of guys have had alot more action and fun, but i was just in the mood so i decided to post this;D

Posting some pictures from the round aswell :D