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[AAR] Low on ammo?

Posted: 2010-05-20 20:00
by Pronck
I played Op. Archer a few days ago, I think it was on the =)H(= server. And we got got in a weird and awkward situation. We got pinned near a little ditch, we managed to set up a quick defence . And after a minute of 3 with bullets flying over our heads and grenades rolling into the ditch, they started throwing smoke grenades, and Incendiary grenades (Stolen kits) to us. Pretty weird, but after all they still got the most of us, and when I tried to make a picture, boom! CTD :-x :-x :-x .

Re: [AAR] Low on ammo?

Posted: 2010-05-20 20:43
by PuffNStuff
U get killed, u CTD....

Project Reality in a nutshell

Re: [AAR] Low on ammo?

Posted: 2010-05-21 11:39
by -{3C}-DevilSoldier
Ghost recon do you play ghost recon to? XD

Re: [AAR] Low on ammo?

Posted: 2010-05-21 18:50
by Pronck
Nope I play as b.pronk(nl), as my name has an quick-scope 1337 N1nj4 pr0 image.

And I don't play it anymore.