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[Video] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry (3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS)

Posted: 2010-05-31 07:00
by dbzao
JouninSpriggan and I recorded and edited the exact same parts of this round of Fallujah West on Tactical Gamer so you can view them both at the same time from two points of view. :)


I coded this cool mashup with YouTube's Javascript Player API and it works great (tested on Safari, Chrome and Firefox).

Make sure to have your browser maximized to FULLSCREEN before loading the page

Watch the Videos Side By Side

You can change the Quality of the videos (may cause lag), the Audio source (left and right) and the Parts (1 to 3) with the controls at the top.

Here are our channels and links to the individual videos:

YouTube - muitocomplicado's Channel
YouTube - JouninSpriggan's Channel

Camera 1 (dbzao):

YouTube - PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry (2 cameras) Part 1 of 3 - Camera 1
YouTube - PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry (2 cameras) Part 2 of 3 - Camera 1
YouTube - PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry (2 cameras) Part 3 of 3 - Camera 1

Camera 2 (JouninSpriggan):

YouTube - PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry (2 cameras) Part 1 of 3 - Camera 2
YouTube - PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry (2 cameras) Part 2 of 3 - Camera 2
YouTube - PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry (2 cameras) Part 3 of 3 - Camera 2

That's it! Expect some more cool mashups like this in the future! :D

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 07:03
by Silly_Savage
That's really cool! :thumbsup:

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 07:12
by Outlawz7
Whoa, pretty epic :o

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 07:12
by X1 Spriggan
Audio Perspectives:

Dbzao- Leader/Clearer Communications
JouninSpriggan- Better ingame sound quality.

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 07:15
by dbzao
Oh yea, and position:

dbzao = Left
Spriggan = Right

And we know the videos are not the same size, we will try to fix that on the next one ;)

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 08:06
by DankE_SPB
"He is chasing me....!!!"
i lol'ed :grin:

thats an epic player you made there :)

small idea for next video- try to get 2nd guy into APC/tank, there were some vehicle supporting you and i think inf+support perspective is better than inf+inf ;)
(^^unless you made it already, watching 2nd part atm)

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 08:14
by cyberzomby
Really well done! Looked to be a good game! This is good to show to people who might be interested in playing PR altough slightly unreal. With all that teamwork going on :D Shame its not like that in every game :)

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 11:29
by Kilgore.dfa
Nice work.

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 11:45
by Farks
Great stuff, indeed!

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 13:36
by Adriaan
That's awesome, and nice teamwork as well!
I assume the percentages in the upper right corner are indicating how much of the videos is buffered?
Also, would it be possible to include a bar or counter underneath indicating how long the video has been playing to how long it is?

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 15:46
by Jigsaw
Fantastic video, really brilliant to see everything from two different perspectives meaning you don't miss any of the action but still get the intensity through the first person view.

Setting the standard.

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 15:52
by 503
Wow. Side by side videos. That's pretty cool and unique.

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 16:36
by gazzthompson
DB, could you prnt screen your windows sounds settings ? Or any other settings that will assist me in filming and being able to hear in game sounds rather than my breathing through my mic, thanks.

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 19:39
by Zrix
That's pretty kewl actually. Hoping to see more of this.

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-05-31 21:22
by ytman
You know.... if the damn TG server's BR worked you could get a third camera :D Birds eye style.

db tell me next time when you are recording; I sound way too serious :P

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-06-01 01:41
by Zulnex
Excellent video. :thumbsup: Looking forward to see more.

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-06-01 03:23
by VCDreves
I played that round, it was pretty nice. Great teamwork and comms.

Cheers to ytman, was great playing in your squad.

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-06-01 04:35
by Stealth Clobber
Now you need to fight with another squad, and record your view, and have the other SL record his, and then put it side by side. ;)

Re: [Videos] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-06-01 21:32
by Conman51
cool but i ant hear any sound :(

Re: [Video] PR v0.91 Fallujah - US Infantry - 3 PARTS + 2 CAMERAS!

Posted: 2010-06-02 14:22
by dbzao
I'm sorry to HEAR that Conman51 (got it? :p ). No really, it works fine for me and all these other guys, of course. Just be sure to try in browsers that I said I tested on, don't really know how IE would behave with that script.

About other replies, yes, it would be cool if we were in different squads and all, and we will try that in the future. This wasn't really planned, Spriggan just said "hey dbzao how about we both record this round?" and then I remembered this mashup I did years ago to watch multiple YouTube videos at the same time, but never really got the content to use it.

So we both recorded the whole round and used the in-game clock to synchronize the first frame. Since Spriggan started using my method of recording and editing PR gameplay videos, it wasn't hard to get the exact parts by just passing the frame numbers to cut. I was going to do the cutting anyways, so it was just about making sure he was doing the same. Here and there he would say what he was doing during a scene, and if it was too boring (like he being dead the whole scene, or something like that) we would just cut that scene altogether.

Now that we know it can be done, fairly easy I might say, be sure we will try different ways that will be more interesting to watch, as I think it was pretty chaotic to watch some times and not really that relevant to understand what was going on. But it was a first in PR's history, so that was cool imo ;)