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Another mapper wanting to join :)

Posted: 2005-03-29 01:37
by LMS-G-Death
Hey guys,

Hey, i im really impressed with your mod renders so far and i would like to be apart of this mod team. Ive been in several mods but none for any BF Series yet. Even though i havn't yet i have a BFV map Done and working on another DCF map. I am a little bit on the newbie side but i have been learning very well, and help from the other mappers i think i would be great for this mod. Thank you for just reading this post, even though i might not get in. Ill release my BF:V map shortly after more test.



Posted: 2005-03-29 04:46
by Alpha_Lima
Hey good to hear. Be sure to post a link to your BFV map once it's finished and we'll check it out. :)

Posted: 2005-03-29 08:20
by LMS-G-Death
thats a will do buddy :)