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[Video] Navy Seals attack Weapons Cache in Ramiel

Posted: 2010-06-07 07:16
by Blu
Player Names: Blue112 (Me..), Green1193(Cameraman), SUndog-Actual (SQL)
Server: Hardcore Insurgency
Map: Ramiel
Cache Location: Docks
Units Involved:
BLUfor- Squad 1, Squad 8, and elements of Sqds 4,5,6, and 7

Execution: Squad one, comprised of the UCS clan, diverts attention by swimming in from the west. While the insurgents were distracted, elements of squad 8, lead by Sundog-actual, swam in from the East. After deploying grenades and smoke cover, and under the cover fire of the remaining elements of sq8,7,6,5, and 4 from the north, Sundog leads Blue112 and Green1193 to take down the fourth insurgent cache.[/youtube]

Re: [Video] Navy Seals attack Weapons Cache in Ramiel

Posted: 2010-06-07 07:33
by Stealth Clobber

Thought I'd fix it for ya. ;)

Nice vid. Real tactical stuff there, minus the part where you died :p

Re: [Video] Navy Seals attack Weapons Cache in Ramiel

Posted: 2010-06-07 15:19
by Fruerlund20
Teamwork is the key to winning as seen here. :)

- Awesome work.

Re: [Video] Navy Seals attack Weapons Cache in Ramiel

Posted: 2010-06-07 15:43
by ebevan91
Cool short vid. What's the name of the song playing? I liked it.

Re: [Video] Navy Seals attack Weapons Cache in Ramiel

Posted: 2010-06-07 16:24
by Mongolian_dude
That was actually quite cool, nicely done.


Re: [Video] Navy Seals attack Weapons Cache in Ramiel

Posted: 2010-06-07 17:17
by Airsoft
Nice use of music, though i recommend using the resolution of 1920x1080 or when rendering select stretch to fit so it won't be as narrow

Re: [Video] Navy Seals attack Weapons Cache in Ramiel

Posted: 2010-06-07 18:29
by Foxxy
that was pretty epic, not gonna lie