[Video] Navy Seals attack Weapons Cache in Ramiel
Posted: 2010-06-07 07:16
Player Names: Blue112 (Me..), Green1193(Cameraman), SUndog-Actual (SQL)
Server: Hardcore Insurgency
Map: Ramiel
Cache Location: Docks
Units Involved:
BLUfor- Squad 1, Squad 8, and elements of Sqds 4,5,6, and 7
Execution: Squad one, comprised of the UCS clan, diverts attention by swimming in from the west. While the insurgents were distracted, elements of squad 8, lead by Sundog-actual, swam in from the East. After deploying grenades and smoke cover, and under the cover fire of the remaining elements of sq8,7,6,5, and 4 from the north, Sundog leads Blue112 and Green1193 to take down the fourth insurgent cache.
Server: Hardcore Insurgency
Map: Ramiel
Cache Location: Docks
Units Involved:
BLUfor- Squad 1, Squad 8, and elements of Sqds 4,5,6, and 7
Execution: Squad one, comprised of the UCS clan, diverts attention by swimming in from the west. While the insurgents were distracted, elements of squad 8, lead by Sundog-actual, swam in from the East. After deploying grenades and smoke cover, and under the cover fire of the remaining elements of sq8,7,6,5, and 4 from the north, Sundog leads Blue112 and Green1193 to take down the fourth insurgent cache.