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[AAR] Bunny Hopping Tank

Posted: 2010-06-08 12:04
by SilverEagle
I was playing in Al Basrah a while ago with two of my clan mates as we have just started a server so it was empty. Me and another guy were in the Challenger (I was gunning). We saw a guy in a small compound and as we try and enter he runs out and I cant shoot due to turret elevation, so my tank driver reverses into a wall or something and we fly MILES into the air (funniest thing ever!)...all I see is the ground from far, far away. Then we SMASH into the ground and explode.

Twas funny.

Re: Bunny Hopping Tank

Posted: 2010-06-08 15:49
by goguapsy
I can't find the thread... but some guys made several vehicles (including, but not limited to, Gary!) fly into the air!

Re: Bunny Hopping Tank

Posted: 2010-06-09 15:38
by Phantom2
Same thing happened to me on Fallujah West. We were searching for the cache in a HMMWV and we come across a fence where we can settle in for the moment. We ram through the fence but we fly about the size of the hotel. Then land directly on it's backside but it's bounciness and sturdiness and got back on the wheels, it stay'd alive. Now I know HMMWV's can take huge falls. :shock:

Re: Bunny Hopping Tank

Posted: 2010-06-09 19:37
by T.Nightingale
Saw that in a game once. Was working as a Trans Pilot on Muttrah and next thing i have this damn APC rotating in airspace. Freaked me out!