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A long awaited weapon... by [R-DEV]Pride

Posted: 2010-06-15 15:20
by prbot
Yesterday [R-CON]Matty converted our L85 series into an L22A2. By 3 o'clock today it was textured and imported. Hows that for speed? :p

Here it is:

SA80 Body and Susat- Existing

L22A2 Conversion
UV: [R-CON]Matty
Texture: [R-DEV]Pride
Export: [R-DEV]Chuc

Ingame it will have a foregrip, like on this image from Chuc:


Unfortunately all my other PR work is on hold atm due to me being bang in the middle of my A-Level exams. However, hopefully you'll see me become more active again once they finish at the end of this month :D

