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[List] Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-18 05:08
by Imchicken1
My least favorite CTD ever is when im about to blow up a chinook flying slow and steady over me. As a russian with a russian HAT kit, i was soooo determined.

When i pressed the fire button i CTD'd

What are your stories?

Re: Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-18 05:37
by Minion508
I was manning a 50 cal on the back of a pick-up. We hit a hill and in mid-air I spotted an enemy and opened fire. Then before we landed I got a CTD.

Re: Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-18 07:52
by TomDackery
Coming in for an attack run in the Cobra back when the Cobra didn't respawn, I hit the fire button to unleash hell with the hydras, my gunner was locked on, it was gonna be a sweet run and turn off and fly into the sunset... but I CTD'd.

Re: Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-18 10:14
by Zrix
Technically not my CTD, but pretty epic in proportion.


Whole team crashed.

Re: Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-18 17:19
by Trooper909
Had a SAW kit on muttrah in a raised positioin near the hotel when a full 2 squads come running out unawere and bunched up I waited till thay got reaaaal close for max causaltes I train my sights on the medic and BOOM!


Re: Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-18 22:17
by freeway
i was on the cache after running through a wall of fire ,i was just about to throw an incendiary on it i got CTDed , i was so mad though

Re: Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-18 23:51
by Serbiak
Imchicken1 wrote:My least favorite CTD ever is when im about to blow up a chinook flying slow and steady over me. As a russian with a russian HAT kit, i was soooo determined.

When i pressed the fire button i CTD'd
I had that before with the HAT. I guess the flying missile just raised my fps so much it crashed.

Pretty depressing...

Re: Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-20 11:05
by sweedensniiperr

here's another mass ctd

Re: Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-20 13:32
by MikeDude
WHAHAHA MASS CTD! Thats just awesome

Re: Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-20 13:50
by -.-Maverick-.-
Driving a big red, coming up behind a tank, click - CTD........


Re: Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-20 16:16
by goguapsy
I CTD'ed right after I crashed a black hawk on Ramiel with a full squad inside while making a 180 degree turn in a very low altitude...

Actually I ALT+F4'ed but no one has to know that.

Re: Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-21 09:49
by Wicca
i laughed when the guy in that xfire video was like

"they all have aids!"


anyway i dont really think ive had any epic CTDs, its more like PB errors really.

Like F.ex. Im suppressing the enemy, i get shot, the squad is able to take out the enemy and we get tank support, booom! and then i get revived and shot at at the same time, which makes my screen completly black and.... PB kick :(

Re: Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-21 14:45
by PuffNStuff
Flying the Cobra in Kashan high above bunkers seconds from unleashing hell on a FOB that has been tow'in our team to death. I hear a bunch of Hellfire break loose from the cobra then the next thin i knew, I was staring at the awesome face that is my desktop....

When asked about my thoughts about this moment from my bro right after it happened:

"They are all in God's hands now....."


Re: Most epic CTD's

Posted: 2010-06-21 16:27
by -Prowler-
Coming back to base on Kashan with the LB after a succesful run, and CTD'ing upon approach, apparently slamming into the A-10 in the proccess.....