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A quick question

Posted: 2010-07-05 16:29
by Darknecron
How the heck do I request a kit on co-op/singleplayer?

This may be the wrong section to post this in....O_o

Re: A quick question

Posted: 2010-07-05 16:32
by tommytgun
Darknecron wrote:How the heck do I request a kit on co-op/singleplayer?

This may be the wrong section to post this in....O_o

My guess is that you're not in a squad.
Press caps lock and then join a squad, then you should be able to get kits

Re: A quick question

Posted: 2010-07-05 16:47
by Darknecron
Just figured that out lol.

Mod, plz close the thread, it's purpose has been served.