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[AAR] Gaza Beach Sniper 7-13-10 15:30 PST

Posted: 2010-07-13 22:38
by x4457
Just got off the Hardcore Insurgency Server after serving as an Israeli Sniper, under the direction of PRO_SNIPE as my squad leader, a bad one at that, and eliminated 11 enemies, including multiple enemy snipers. After losing my squad's medic (my spotter), I was eliminated trying to enter the far East building. I then died one more time by a Hamas Insurgent, ending the round. Fun round, trust me.

Re: Gaza Beach Sniper 7-13-10 15:30 PST

Posted: 2010-07-13 22:59
by x4457
IF you were there, tell me, if you got sniped by me, I'm sorry :)