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[AAR] The Kashan Bunker of DOOM!

Posted: 2010-07-20 11:11
by Naruto-kun
Played som Kashan 32 last night, and I decided to go as Squad Leader for a first time in while, and I organized an infantry squad on MEC.

May not remember everyone in that squad, but I remember "Medic"(We wasn't the squad medic tough, Loudmouth, funny and good soldier) and Ipodl(Mecgyver?) :-P

Ok first we got transported to South Village and we set up a FOB there, after that we got transported to the south bunkers, and its here hell starts.

We had secured the Northwestern bunker in the South-Bunkers objective, and I ordered everyone to hold positions in the bunker.

I ordered the AR to guard the front entrance of the bunker, and he did a good job on that, the rest watched the back entrance and me my self was on guard duty in the toilets.

After a while, Ipodl came up with this brilliant idea of putting Claymores in the toilets(thats why I call him MecGyver), which was pretty smart move, he manged to take out at least 2-3 Americans I think, and "Medic" found a HAT which we held onto for a while.

We managed to hold out for 40min and 6 attacks from the american side, with minimal casualties.

Reason to why we did not move out: lets just say that the large amount of Abrams tanks outside was very large factor.

After North-bunkers were captured by MEC(after a lot of nagging from my squad due to that we actually were the only thing between the US Army and South Bunkers) we moved out to north bunkers, but then we got totally ROFLED by a abrams 500m away :-P

after a little while MEC won by 120ish-0 ;-)

Re: The Kashan Bunker of DOOM!

Posted: 2010-07-20 12:10
by EmBra
I think I played on the same server as you, I remember the chatter in teamchat ;)

It was a fun and entertaining round!

I just want to say that you had a very brave (and intelligent, good looking etc. :p ) BMP3 guarding as best as it could from the southeast side of the complex. Operated by my self and a guy named Zrix. We took out several of those hostiles waves that converged on your bunker, along with two blackhawk helicopters and a logistics truck.

So, while you did an outstanding job keeping the enemies out of the bunker, you weren't alone ;)

Re: The Kashan Bunker of DOOM!

Posted: 2010-07-20 12:13
by Rudd
I love defending the bunkers like that :)

AR front room every1 round the back is what I do too :)

last time was bloody hilairous, they tried 3 times to get in

then we hear a beep, and the two guys who were defending the toilets run out screaming "C4! C4!!" :P

big boom, then we run back in to the toilets and kill the guys who came down :P

Re: The Kashan Bunker of DOOM!

Posted: 2010-07-20 12:44
by Naruto-kun
EmBra wrote:I think I played on the same server as you, I remember the chatter in teamchat ;)

It was a fun and entertaining round!

I just want to say that you had a very brave (and intelligent, good looking etc. :p ) BMP3 guarding as best as it could from the southeast side of the complex. Operated by my self and a guy named Zrix. We took out several of those hostiles waves that converged on your bunker, along with two blackhawk helicopters and a logistics truck.

So, while you did an outstanding job keeping the enemies out of the bunker, you weren't alone ;)
Yeah i remember this autocannon that "shaved" our bunker roof a couple of times(we actually thought it was the Apache at first, but then we realized it came from you) :mrgreen:

Yeah, it must have been you, cause I remember seeing Zrix in the chat, I'll bet you saw my squad complaining a LOT on the chat due to no one attacked the north-bunkers :mrgreen:

@Rudd: I had a little moment like that during that round, they smoked up the toilet, and suddenly I see a green ball right below me, and I screamed in the VOIP: GRENAAAADE!!, and I ran like hell out of the toilets, and got out of there unschathed :D

Re: The Kashan Bunker of DOOM!

Posted: 2010-07-20 13:18
by Naruto-kun
Gå og bli kokt Lutefisk! :mrgreen:

Yeah, those HATs where ours!

I remember trying to bayonet charge some of you when you smoked the back entrance, i almost stabbed one of you but i missed and ran like hell back to the squad :roll: