Removal of the Czech Forces community faction

Community factions that have been archived.
Retired PR Developer
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Removal of the Czech Forces community faction

Post by J.F.Leusch69 »

Dear Project Reality modding community,

Today I unfortunately have to make my first serious announcement. The Project Reality team has decided to abandon the support of the Czech Forces community faction. This means that the subforum and the faction leader will be removed shortly after this announcement.

At present we have far to many community factions which is a reason why it takes so long to get them into a state where they can be implemented into the main mod. Furthermore we have realized that the team can not offer the support we want to offer to a community faction when so many are around, in short our workload as a team reaches its limits.

To all the Czech players and supporters of this faction, we might consider a return of the Czech Forces as a community faction in the future, if situations change.

- The Project Reality Management
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Re: Removal of the Czech Forces community faction

Post by Aquiller »

Too bad, nontheless - thanks for your effort!

I think the next faction to be abandoned is Polish Forces.
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Re: Removal of the Czech Forces community faction

Post by Johncro »

Sorry to hear that.
It must be a bummer, put work into something, but hey, shit happens, keeping working unofficially that way you will have it all done if they reconsider.
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Re: Removal of the Czech Forces community faction

Post by Wakain »

I understand very well that you devs have a lot on your plate and I, of course, respect your decision, but I would like to know why exactly the czech forces were chosen for removal.

(I'm not in any way suggesting another faction should be removed or something)

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Re: Removal of the Czech Forces community faction

Post by Priby »

Why cant they just keep the subforum and you simply stop helping them?
Retired PR Developer
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Re: Removal of the Czech Forces community faction

Post by DankE_SPB »

I understand very well that you devs have a lot on your plate and I, of course, respect your decision, but I would like to know why exactly the czech forces were chosen for removal.
There is no progress at all, their lead is not visiting and posting for months, there is no dedicated team to it, those who were doing something could only model and there are no updates from them and other reasons.
Why cant they just keep the subforum and you simply stop helping them?
Because there is no point to keep faction as "official" if its not doing anything, if they are willing to continue, they can do it without sub-forum, which they do not use anyway.
[R-DEV]Z-trooper: you damn russian bear spy ;P - WWJND?
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Re: Removal of the Czech Forces community faction

Post by Wakain »

There is no progress at all, their lead is not visiting and posting for months, there is no dedicated team to it, those who were doing something could only model and there are no updates from them and other reasons.
thanks for your response, it's a lot more clear now.
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Re: Removal of the Czech Forces community faction

Post by JAMTAM »

Thats too bad. I was looking forward to this faction
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Re: Removal of the Czech Forces community faction

Post by lucky.BOY »

Thats a very bad thing to hear, although i understand that its not good to have the team divided between too many projects, and that its better to focus on few of them and get things going. And i understand why you have chosen the czech faction to be removed.
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Re: Removal of the Czech Forces community faction

Post by medicxx2 »

Dear community,

CAF team is again on the scene. First we feel we should give an explanation what happend.

Some time ago several people were thinking about making Czech armed forces to the Project Reality. But there was no volunteer, who would lead the team and communicate with the DEV team. After some time Redfox came along. He was excited about the project and gave it a solid base in very short time. He invested huge ammount of effort into the project until the end of year 2009, when he stopped all communication from day to day (probably because of personal problems). So despite the great beginning he left the team in a communication vacuum without any leadership.

The former team never abandoned the idea. After half of a year and official removal of CAF from supported factions, we again started to think how to resurrect the project. It is my pleasure to announce, that the CAF project is alive once again.

What is the project state?
Our design plan was completely revised. We have a simple (optimistic) project plan. Because of that a little bit of what was already done will be dropped and replaced (but for the better we hope).
We also would like to start communication with the DEV team. We know it will be hard to gain trust again, so this time we will be gald if we get only an approval of the design plan (we need to know that in the end there is a possibility of being approved).

And what about the team?
Majority of the former team (those we were able to contact) is with us. Leaderhip is taken over by medic_xx2 (the guy who started it in the first place) with support from palko-cz (mainly by English translations :) ).

For actual information you can check our modest project page:

Czech Armed Forces

Best regards,

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