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[Video + AAR] IDF in Gaza strip, amazing action story

Posted: 2010-08-18 08:04
by R0DeX
Hi guys,

The IDF Clan played yesterday at the VVT Server.

Map: Gaza Strip | Game mod: Skrimish | Players: 16v16

Squad members:
[IDF]xXxM@DxXx (Squad Commander)

So. yestersay we played a skrimish sesion. in gaza strip.
I will give this story 3 parts. It wont be so long, you will see part 1 and 2 in the video.

Part 1:
Game started. 2 and half squads moving forward for 2 direction. 2 places to capture.
We made it to the east direction and captured the area. the other squads cpatured the west area too.
As we moving to the next objective, we all died by ambush from 2 houses. they captured what we captured before.
So now they have another point, we made a quick plan to go there by flanking all the time. moving to south, then flanking to the north from the east and so on. we made it in the end, but died again in the capturing point(!)

Part 2:
No we had a tactic. Moving by flanking. moving on the street. If we advanse and making contact, we doing it by the rooftops. If we had surprised while mocing - All get cover, going to a rooftops and is cover while the others are going up.
With that tactic we made it to the point. we had a surprised in the middle and had a huge battle for 10-15 minutes from all directions. we had a flop... We didnt noticed we dont have a mdeic. (that was really shamfull :o ops :) .
We captured the point by spreding up in the area. I was going to a building next to the point, and two others made it to another house too, and the 2 others captured the point.

part 3:
All our squads was moving to the last point. I dont know, but we didnt got much resistance from the other team, but we captured the last point in the end - gaining a nice victory.

Sorry again for not hearing me (I dont know, kinda stange to me:roll :) .
And... in the editing i didnt noticed that the intro is too much long.. so when it loads move the point to 00:50 somthing like that.
in the video, part one of the story is from the start untill 03:55. Part two is from 03:56 to the end (No part three of the story in the video).