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[Video] Old school, but awesome

Posted: 2010-08-20 22:04
by KarateDoug
Anyone ever seen this done, in game, or at all?
Felt quite awesome.
Such an awesome round. Defeated China in less than 20 mins.

YouTube - 1LT iAstralPr0jekt-[GS] crashes party in PLA Missile Silo [HD]

Re: Video- Old school, but awesome

Posted: 2010-08-20 22:38
by Brainlaag
ZOMG muzzle flash...I miss that effect :ยด(

Edit: Oh yeah and lol at the guy, thats being crushed by the Huey

Re: Video- Old school, but awesome

Posted: 2010-08-20 22:59
by Ghost Wolfe
Wow how he fit that in there, we will never know. amazing flying.

Re: [Video] Old school, but awesome

Posted: 2010-09-10 09:21
by KarateDoug
I cant seem to pull it off anymore. I'm the pilot. Ive done it multiple times, always end of round stuff, for the finale. But for whatever reason it doesnt seem to work any longer, or its just me.