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[AAR] Mumble Saturday Experiences

Posted: 2010-09-06 13:40
by Trognar
As some of you know, I believe UKWF hosts a Mumble Saturday even were every player must be on mumble in the same room. Which means if an enemy is close enough to you and you are using Mumble you can hear him talking and he can hear you. Which is a very good idea.

So one of the rounds we played was on Ramiel. I was on the US team and it was near the middle of the round. I was a SqL for a Little Bird squad, so I had to go out in the feild and spot.

Nothing is really happening so I catch a ride in a friendly truck back to base. When I get there I hear that a sniper team was behind enemy lines and needed to be extracted since it was getting realy hot near them.

I jump in a transport Humvee and start racing torwards wheree they are, they were on the South side of the map but on the North side of that river. So I decide to go around the city thinking I will miss most of the Insurgents by stayingfar away. Well they had the same idea.

So Im driving and I look to my right and boom, two Insurgent Techies come from a alley way and see me. That is when I start screaming my head off in mumble local. Flying down the dirt and dust as I get shot I swore I heard them laughing over my screams. My little Humvee couldnt take it and blew up. But I jumped out and got in cover, I was bleeding and I droped my kit hoping for simpothy. As soon as I got up I was torn to shreads and I was like "That was not nice Mister!" and they laughed.

Then I said oh yea please look up. And when I said that my clan mate in the Little Bird that was silently tailing me unloaded on the area killing some of them. Later I asked if anyone heard my screams of terror and somebody replied, "Hell yea, and it was priceless!"

What you guys think? Did you hear me screaming? Where you on the server? Do you like cookies? Answer it all and post below!

Re: Mumble Saturday Experiences

Posted: 2010-09-06 14:02
by KarateDoug
I thought i heard someone **** there pants and than they said....ohhhh dayumm! than i heard foot steps running and getting farther away from the mic

Re: Mumble Saturday Experiences

Posted: 2010-09-06 23:49
by amazing_retard
That Jabal round was so epic :D
Sadly we had some noob ram a huey into a truck full of MEC :(

Re: Mumble Saturday Experiences

Posted: 2010-09-09 03:40
by Trognar
Jabal was the best, of course I was on the MEC team in a BTR/BMP squad, our squadc mates took a BMP and rushed an enemy TOW position...I think yuo can guess what happened after that