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[Discussion] Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 00:08
by Wicca
Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Ive seen alot of great squadleading in PR lately, if its me being a squadmember, or me squadleading with another SL, or if i command, and someone shows alot of iniative and uses great coordination. Hell ive seen so many great movies of people who lead so well!

Its really quite amazing to see this many leaders gather around this game, and see how it makes you act!

Any SL you see today, takes lead, front on! First man to take a bullet, gives orders like a machine gun, acts calm under fire, guides the new players to their right spot in the squad.

There is a high caliber of leaders here in PR, its hard to miss, what people in arma 2 strive to get in coop missions with alot of planning and organizing, happends on a daily basis here in the PR world.

And its thanks to the guys orchestrating this, this is the Squadleaders, the people taking the lead, the men making the rules, the ones who has the final say, thank you for making PR such a great game!

Seeing how PR has evolved from such a small player base, to now have so many, is very touching, we have all had our ups and downs, the deviation not working as it should, new players blowing up your squad and themselfs. But still you all come back, for the exitment, for the fun, for the cameraderi. You Squad leaders must continue to make this game great, join in on mumble or spam text chat with contacts.

Something ive learnt over the years, is that its not the game that makes it great or not, i mean sure it might look good, and have realistic values and such, but what really makes PR so great for me, is the players, and more specificaly the squadleaders that really kicks ***!

If you get a server filled with leaders, you are sure to have a good game, high standard and proper execution. The squadleaders pick up a role, and they run the show, they have a plan, so people follow your squadleaders to the death!

And squadleaders, Lead the Way!

// Wicca out

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 00:41
by MikeDude
I agree with everything you just said.

(Wicca you really married? :D )

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 00:45
by Wicca
mikeyboyz wrote:I agree with everything you just said.

(Wicca you really married? :D )
Yes mikeyboys, and one day, when you become a man, you will be married too.

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 01:07
by goguapsy
That was some quite interesting reading :)

I just wished more Squad Members (even seasoned players) knew what a squad LEADER is. He is your pimp, you follow him. If you dislike it, leave the squad. Please, don't make us have to kick you or give you "one more chance". Come on, it's common sense: if the squad leader tells you not to get a limited kit and you do it, you deserve to get slapped.

But when it comes down to fun players who know how to play as a squad and a team, that's the fun. That's the most fun you'll get with any game, IMO.

(P.S. Damn you PR, I've got used to tactical gameplay and I can't play as a Handball goalie effectively :) )

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 02:29
by Arnoldio
Thank you lol. :D

But SL is nothing without a good squad.

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 08:45
by Web_cole
goguapsy wrote:He is your pimp, you follow him. If you dislike it, leave the squad. Please, don't make us have to kick you or give you "one more chance".
I don't SL that often, but this is my main problem when I do. It irritates the stuffing out of me when you have people (who are otherwise communicative and reasonable) who don't seem to understand that you stay with the damn squad, or if I tell you to do something you do it now, not in 30 seconds time, or 10, or 5 for that matter, right f*cking now.

There are very few players who will stick to their SL like glue and do what he says when he says it. Perhaps my standards are just too high? :p

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 08:52
by KarateDoug
The PR community is the best community the gaming world has ever seen.
I'm sure I'm not alone on feeling this. Hell, I haven't played since late May and I'm still here checking on stuff all the time.
The seasoned SL's, squad members and CO's are amazing. And the new guys who come in with a complete thirst to learn how to do what they've only heard or seen in videos. It's quite damn amazing. *wipes cheerful tear from eyes*.

Great post Wicca. I look forward to returning to the field soon.

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 09:07
by Web_cole
KarateDoug wrote:The PR community is the best community the gaming world has ever seen.

The seasoned SL's, squad members and CO's are amazing. And the new guys who come in with a complete thirst to learn how to do what they've only heard or seen in videos. It's quite damn amazing. *wipes cheerful tear from eyes*.
I should say despite my earlier bitching I agree with everything you and Wicca said :D

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 09:20
by Brainlaag
Web_cole wrote:I don't SL that often, but this is my main problem when I do. It irritates the stuffing out of me when you have people (who are otherwise communicative and reasonable) who don't seem to understand that you stay with the damn squad, or if I tell you to do something you do it now, not in 30 seconds time, or 10, or 5 for that matter, right f*cking now.

There are very few players who will stick to their SL like glue and do what he says when he says it. Perhaps my standards are just too high? :p
No mate no, surely not. :D

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 09:41
by motherdear
well this thread reminds me. i'm going ingame on tg hopefully at around 1600prt if interested. wicca join me and anyone else feeling like having a kickass round...

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 09:47
by Wicca
[R-DEV]motherdear wrote:well this thread reminds me. i'm going ingame on tg hopefully at around 1600prt if interested. wicca join me and anyone else feeling like having a kickass round...
Ill hold you too that, unless my wife wants to rape me. Your not a man unless your wife rapes you.

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 11:16
by MikeDude
Oh god.... I wanna rape you!

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 11:50
by volks
I dont know why but i started this game as a squad leader and i still continue doing it. I just feel like it lol. However, it becomes much more enjoyable when a squad leader has some good and disciplined men under his command. It all ends up with coordination and teamwork both within the team and the squad.

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 12:17
by KarateDoug
My very first round of PR I ever played (0.5) I ended up in a squad with Fuzzhead as my SL.
It was Kufrah oil fields and I was a rifleman. I recall attacking one of the oil yards and to my complete and utter amazement, the tanks were firing from a distance and we (the inf) were assaulting it with their support. Dude I was completely floored by that. It was so much more than I had imagined. Nonetheless, it was a GREAT example of hardcore teamwork, communication and squad leading. Even though I was booted out of the squad for not knowing what the hell was going on, that example stuck with me since that day. I always loved squad leading. And than I figured out that you could actually coordinate with multiple SL's. Although that didn't really become real common in the community til much much later. But good squad leaders and obedient squad members are what make this game amazing. Now the community has grown so rampantly, the old school players are far more seasoned and as a result a HUGE amount of the community is in the know in terms of how things work not only on a single squad level but also on multi squad tactics. Love it.

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 17:06
by joethepro36
My very first round of PR I ever played (0.5) I ended up in a squad with Fuzzhead as my SL.
I was in that squad and it was a good round. Fuzzhead is the best squadleader in PR that I've seen. Best remembered in my mind for an ungodly, epic and hellish round as Kashan infantry. (I make a point of telling him this every time I'm in his squad).

As one of the "good" public (consequently not many know me) squad leaders let me tell you the reason there is not more is the shear difficulty of the job and what it entails. I have to co-ordinate myself with the team, a commander if there is one, mumble if that's working and the squad itself. Several rounds stick in my mind where I didn't stop talking for 20 minutes~ straight, constantly relaying information back and forth. Now even if I get the communication done properly I have to make the main tactical and strategic decisions for the squad constantly. To put it simply, doing squadleading properly can be extremely draining for you. Even if I'm just with my squad and the team I often get pretty bogged down in simply trying to exchange information. THIS IS WHY MUMBLE IS A GOOD THING. Typing stuff up only to have no answer for whatever reason seriously saps my time that should be spent leading the squad. And of course all this leading bollocks is sometimes secondary to your own ability to shoot and fight more effectively than your individual squad members in public games.

It's precisely this high level of play required that makes so many would be squadleaders poor at playing the game. I've seen many that simply act as a squad member who can place FOBs rather than the actual leader of the squad. The typical causes of poor squadleading are lack of communication and lack of game knowledge. But the only way to truely improve as a squadleader is to play in a squad with someone better than you.

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 17:33
by Web_cole
joethepro36 wrote:But the only way to truely improve as a squadleader is to play in a squad with someone better than you.
I'm lucky enough to be on first name terms with many of whom (I consider to be) the best SLs in PR. I definitely agree with that, if you want to be a good SL you need to hunt down all those top notch names and get a few rounds in with them, see how they roll ;)

Ever joined up in the tournament Joe? NATO could use an excellent SL like yourself :p

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 18:01
by communistman
So ah, which timezone is prt? :D

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 18:41
by CareBear
PRT is in top right of forums for all to see ;)

i used to do alot of pubby squad leading back in the day, then after playing alot with RGG and friends and in the tournament my standards for players are to high and i end up raging then most likely just hoppin in a diff squad xD

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 19:22
by communistman
Thanks CareBear.

About leading; I feel it necessary to echo the sentiment of how utterly exhausting squad leading can be, especially in a server with lots of good, engaged players. I repeat this in the hopes that future SMs of mine or anyone else' squad will be reading this and have some insight into why the squad leader isn't just leading and micromanaging the SMs at all times. I recall recently on Kashan, I'm trying to coordinate CAS and a friendly Abrams to help us time an assault on a bunker, and in between all this hectic planning and communication, I got a SM standing in front of me repeatedly asking on squad VOIP, "What do you want me to do, squad leader?"

Just hold down the fort bud, just hold it down 'till I can issue a new order...

In any case, I think many inexperienced players don't really grasp how much is going on in the squad leader's head and VOIP channel sometimes, so be patient, and if he says, "hold on, I need to coordinate some requests" or sumfink, just create a perimeter around him and try to keep the irrelevant chatter down.

Nonetheless, my experience with the vast majority of players on PR, seasoned or otherwise, has been overwhelmingly positive.

Re: Squad Leaders, Lead the Way!

Posted: 2010-09-09 19:54
by Wicca
communistman wrote:Thanks CareBear.

About leading; I feel it necessary to echo the sentiment of how utterly exhausting squad leading can be, especially in a server with lots of good, engaged players. I repeat this in the hopes that future SMs of mine or anyone else' squad will be reading this and have some insight into why the squad leader isn't just leading and micromanaging the SMs at all times. I recall recently on Kashan, I'm trying to coordinate CAS and a friendly Abrams to help us time an assault on a bunker, and in between all this hectic planning and communication, I got a SM standing in front of me repeatedly asking on squad VOIP, "What do you want me to do, squad leader?"

Just hold down the fort bud, just hold it down 'till I can issue a new order...

In any case, I think many inexperienced players don't really grasp how much is going on in the squad leader's head and VOIP channel sometimes, so be patient, and if he says, "hold on, I need to coordinate some requests" or sumfink, just create a perimeter around him and try to keep the irrelevant chatter down.

Nonetheless, my experience with the vast majority of players on PR, seasoned or otherwise, has been overwhelmingly positive.
What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do Squadleader? Squadleader, are you even listening to me?

SHUT THE ******** **** YOU MOTHER**** PIECE OF *******2=/(&#"/(=&)(#"/ยค.

Man im glad we are patient at times :P

Really cool story ;)