Where in the world is... by [R-DEV]CodeRedFox

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PR:BF2 Lead Developer
Posts: 16020
Joined: 2009-07-17 11:51

Where in the world is... by [R-DEV]CodeRedFox

Post by prbot »

Where in the world is...CodeRedFox

Hello everyone,

Been gone for a while. Life caught up fast and PR took a back seat, and is still taking a back seat for the time. Between finishing a movie (Priest), and now "3Dalizing" it, other life event have been going on. Have a positive break up with my long term girlfriend, and I say positive only because we got out of it before it turned bad and dont hate each other for it.

so...I'm still slowly working on PR projects and can only say I want to play with my PR toys as much as your guys do.

Anyways, i'll be back in the game soon. Keep rocking and playing, you are all the soul of PR.


*P.S. any hot Sister pics send them my way! :lol:


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