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Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 00:02
by Jaymz
Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010
Two months after the recording trip we can now present some preliminary results.

But first we will show you a 12 min summary of all the 20 vehicles we recorded in all their beauty. ;)

Vehicle Engine Sounds Demonstration

[R-Dev]Twisted Helix has been experimenting with Arma2 sound implementation to get suitable sounds for vehicles in PR:ARMA2

PR:Arma2 - Scimitar Demo

PR:Arma2 - Warrior Demo [WIP]

For PR:BF2, [R-Dev]sofad did a sound overhaul for the following three British vehicles (which you'll be hearing in the upcoming version 0.95 of PR:BF2)

PR:BF2 - Landrover

[CENTER]PR:BF2 - Warrior

PR:BF2 - Challenger 2


[R-Dev]Jaymz used the soundtrip material to implement some wonderful internal sounds, including Challenger 2 firing, loading, turret traversing and general internal atmosphere.

PR:BF2 - CR 2 Internal: Gunner

Overall the Trip was a huge success and you can hear the results in the next version of PR:BF2 soon.

The team spent a lot of their own money to make this trip possible, all together around 1000 Euros, and so we would kindly ask you for some monetary support. If you have some spare cash and want to support this trip with a small amount, feel free to send something via paypal to [R-Dev]sofad.

s o f a d AT w e b . d e (without the spaces and with an @ of course ;) )

All incoming money will be split between the participants to cover their private travel costs.

Thank you very much! :)

Before we go, here are some bonus videos to give you a small audio-visual impression of some aspects of the trip. Make sure to raise your speakers volume all the way up, as far as the neighbours, or your mum, allows you, to get the real experience.. ;)

CR2 Drive By

[CENTER]CR2 Live Firing - 1km Away

Warrior And Scimitar Firing


In closing, we would like to extend our many thanks to all the RAC personnel and staff at Bovington, Lulworth and Warminster. Their hospitality, generosity and enthusiasm are what made this trip such a success.

- The Project Reality Team

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 00:18
by WhatMan
Sick!! Very nice

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 00:42
by BIGsmalll

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 01:01
by nater
Sorry to hear you guys had to pay so much, but you can't say it wasn't awesome!

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 02:03
by arisaka99
What about Opfor?

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 02:16
by theflidgeface
Holy **** the CR2 sounds beastly :)

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 02:41
by Veterans-Gaming
That is sick!


Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 02:56
by Evox

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 03:06
by richyrich55
I can't wait till you guys can get the sounds for the US vehicles :')

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 03:07
by richyrich55
Wait... are the current sounds the final ones?

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 03:12
by Zulnex
Absolutely outstanding. 8-) :thumbsup: Thank you so much for your hard work. :15_cheers
Donating via Paypal to [R-Dev]sofad now.

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 03:51
by Twisted Helix
richyrich55 wrote:Wait... are the current sounds the final ones?
Some not all. (the BF2 ones will be in this upcoming release)

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 04:13
by Zrix
Truly amazing work. Loving the new internal C2 sounds!

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 04:28
by Spartan0189
Very Nice, the CR2 sounded pretty epic, but I must say, the new Land Rover sounds pretty nice too :D

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 05:32
by CBT02

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 06:44
by psychickactivity
Nice , thanks for this ...

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 08:09
by cyberzomby
Very nice! Excellent work and dedication that you payed so much! :o I'll see about what I can do when and if I get a job one of these days ;)

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 08:24
by splatters
Holy mother of sounds! Amazing work once again, can not wait!

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 08:32
by Arnoldio
We will be more afraid of tanks now maybe. :D

Re: Initial results from the PR soundtrip 2010

Posted: 2010-09-29 08:37
by Gore