[AAR] Stryker Down!

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[AAR] Stryker Down!

Post by Ford_Jam »

Ramiel tonight.

Squad 1: Dtacs, Stalkz, Aussie_Marksman, Captandy, Gekko
Squad 2: Myself, Jestar, Ectoplasmic_duck, Fall, Snakeyyyyy
Others who came and left I can't remember, sorry!

Dtacs had a squad of 6 infantry while myself and Jestar supported over TS in a Stryker. First cache spawned in the very claustrophobic slums in the North of Ramiel, obviously the Stryker was a no-go in there. After that cache went down following considerable losses a second one spawned just south, in more open streets.

We were feeling more game in the Stryker, getting up close and personal with the fight, within 150m of the cache and supporting the various squads of infantry by firing down the streets at approaching insurgents until we were bomb-car'd. Grabbing a second Stryker we moved into the same position and the cache was destroyed. (Following a third cache going down?) We then moved up and picked up dtacs' squad again and was told that he had guys on a rooftop and it pretty much went down like this in the space of about 30 seconds.

dtacs: you need to pick up our AR on the roof
me: rgr, moving now, that roof?
dtacs: yeah stop here
*sound of RPG's hitting nearby*
me: ****e mannn hurry up! We don't know where he is hurryuphurryuphurryup
dtacs: okay lets go he's in.... *Bang, hit by an RPG and tracked*

From here on everyone dismounts and our APC squad has filled up with inf and they had spawned nearby. For the next few minutes there was a good dozen guys covering every direction of this tracked Stryker while we try desperately to get teammates to bring a logi truck. (VERY Black Hawk Down at this point) Upon failing this, and getting well overrun by insurgents, dtacs' squad bails (leaving Stalkz behind lol) and my squad of randoms left fighting.

From here on it was a desperate retreat, shouting over BF2 voip, TS and Mumble which I WISH I had FRAPS'd. Moving block to block, I was shouting at my squad that we were moving while I was covering, I didn't even need to say anything. My whole squad and Stalkz got the idea pretty quickly and as we moved from block to block trying to catch up to dtacs we would stop and cover the others as they crossed.

From then on we acted as two squads, destroying a forth cache.
These last few weeks have been the best PR gameplay I've had in a while and I now cannot wait to have to same moments in PR 0.95!

I type way too much :|
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Re: [AAR] Stryker Down!

Post by cyberzomby »

Nice report! Seems it was one heck of a fight!
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Re: [AAR] Stryker Down!

Post by Tarranauha200 »

Nice raport, some intense fight eh?
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Re: [AAR] Stryker Down!

Post by Sparkyki||scoDer »

I need to correct a few things about this report.......
I was present in this battle, in the squad named Army of 2.
The first cache was indeed destroyed by Ford_Jam, his squad and dtacs squad.
The second and third caches were destroyed by the direct actions of the above squads, but only through the considerable pressure placed on the enemy by my squad as a diversion. In the process of this battle we built two FoB's and destroyed three enemy technicals and supporting infantry.

Meanwhile, Ford_Jam and his squadmates had lost a Stryker (as he stated) and had the second damaged heavily by rpgs. As we were moving to construct a FoB to support him from the east, he demanded that we bring a logistics truck on a near suicidal mission to bring a vehicle repair kit to the damaged Stryker.

To this point, he "flamed" me when I rejected this idea as a waste of resources.
1) If a Stryker had been taken down, a logistics truck would have been minced by bullets and Rpg's.
2) There were three squads moving on the current cache, my squad was attempting to build a FoB in the east close to another cache to provide a foothold in the city to spawn from and get troops to the battle faster.

Ford_Jam was not trying desperately to make us bring a logistics truck, he was demanding that we did.

I mean no apologies for the loss of two Strykers and almost three squads of soldiers. He attempted to blame me and my squad, I am stating my reasons as to why it is not our fault.
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Re: [AAR] Stryker Down!

Post by dtacs »

I'm in awe about how warped your account is, and how you think that your actions were legitimate...you know what your squad leader (eliminator) replied with when asked to bring us the truck? 'They have their mission and we have ours', which was honestly the most narrow minded and selfish thing I've ever heard in PR to this date.
but only through the considerable pressure placed on the enemy by my squad as a diversion.
That is an absolute load of ****, your squad decided to build firebases - not once but twice - in the most useless positions imaginable, out in the top right hand side of the map north of the lake, a good 3 grid squares from the cache location.
To this point, he "flamed" me when I rejected this idea as a waste of resources.
The waste of resources was you and Eliminator taking the supply truck and building in completely arbitrary locations on the map which ultimately contributed to the the US losing the round. Plus the alleged 'flaming' goes both ways, with you getting ad hominem right off the bat.
1) If a Stryker had been taken down, a logistics truck would have been minced by bullets and Rpg's.
Are you insane or just incredibly stupid? The area to the west of us (up unto the border of the map) was completely clear, plus we had killed the RPG, in addition to the fact that the area from the US main, going through the desert and up through the city was 100% safe, we already had 2 firebases there.
There were three squads moving on the current cache, my squad was attempting to build a FoB in the east close to another cache to provide a foothold in the city to spawn from and get troops to the battle faster.
Wrong, there were two squad moving onto the cache which was us, we had just taken out the left side unknown and your squads were making a vain attempt to attack it. Your firebases were simply a pussyfoot into the outskirts of the city, and funnily enough, the Insurgents attacking you were coming from their main and the southern mosque, which were only 2 grid squares away.

Overall if was your squads ineptness and idiocy that helped the US to lose. Not only did you flat out deny to drive 1km to drop a single repair crate in a covered, easy position, you took snipers and combat engineer kits which were promptly lost to the Insurgents.

Regardless of what you want to say, this isn't the place for it. Fords' account doesn't mention you once nor does it mention your actions during the game, so you have no right to come here and slander what we did when we have 10 souls that can attest to what you did and didn't do.
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Re: [AAR] Stryker Down!

Post by Ford_Jam »

Sparkyki||scoDer wrote:I need to correct a few things about this report.......
I was present in this battle, in the squad named Army of 2.
The first cache was indeed destroyed by Ford_Jam, his squad and dtacs squad.
The second and third caches were destroyed by the direct actions of the above squads, but only through the considerable pressure placed on the enemy by my squad as a diversion. In the process of this battle we built two FoB's and destroyed three enemy technicals and supporting infantry.

Meanwhile, Ford_Jam and his squadmates had lost a Stryker (as he stated) and had the second damaged heavily by rpgs. As we were moving to construct a FoB to support him from the east, he demanded that we bring a logistics truck on a near suicidal mission to bring a vehicle repair kit to the damaged Stryker.

To this point, he "flamed" me when I rejected this idea as a waste of resources.
1) If a Stryker had been taken down, a logistics truck would have been minced by bullets and Rpg's.
2) There were three squads moving on the current cache, my squad was attempting to build a FoB in the east close to another cache to provide a foothold in the city to spawn from and get troops to the battle faster.

Ford_Jam was not trying desperately to make us bring a logistics truck, he was demanding that we did.

I mean no apologies for the loss of two Strykers and almost three squads of soldiers. He attempted to blame me and my squad, I am stating my reasons as to why it is not our fault.
I'd really like you to PM me some proof of said "flaming"
In actual fact, the area around the Stryker was quite secure for some time before we decided to leave. The decision to leave was actually made by me after I spawned on the firebase you constructed and lost the logi truck (hence the "desperately") to a technical which was sitting about 100m from the FB.
Like you said, you were to the east thus you were not there, don't try and defame my account of events when you weren't there. Especially when I made no negative mention of you or your squad in my AAR.

Anyway thanks to those that replied earlier, it was a hell of a fight :mrgreen:
If I had of recorded it I would have used it as an excellent example of the use of third party voips which allow inter-squad comms :)
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