Just a quick guide type thing to help you survive under fire, that's loosely based on British methods. It can be used in Organised play or in Pubbie Play with a VoiP Squad.
As the Thread title suggests this is the acronym PREWAR:
Reaction to Effective Enemy Fire
Enemy Location
Winning The FireFight
Advance & Assault/Bug Out
Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
This part of the procedure takes part at a fire Base/Main/Wherever you're starting from, as long as your entire squad is there and there's a crate. To help you remember what to do I've split this into the Acronym KAMP:
Make sure you have all the kits you want/need. Medic, AR, & Specialist are pretty basic ones, but also make sure you have a guy with a Rifleman kit to provide emergency ammo - you never know what might happen.
Make sure everyone's ammo is full, just ask them/tell them to make sure their ammo is full.
Make sure all your squad members are there.
You should have a plan so you know what you're doing, tell your squad what you're going to do so they all understand, set a clear objective and tell your squad how you plan to achieve this.
Preparation shouldn't take longer than a couple of minutes. After everything's ready and you've gone through KAMP, move out.
Reaction To Effective Enemy Fire.
A major word in the above sentence is "Effective". Hearing shooting, or stray rounds coming nearby is not effective enemy fire. Effective Enemy Fire is you are being deliberately shot at, lots of shots are hitting around you & the fire is quite accurate.
The first thing to do is to return fire - this can be done while moving, fire in what you hope is the direction the enemy is coming from while taking cover, you shouldn't be firing more than 15-20 rounds doing this. Take Cover and start returning fire with where you think the Enemy is firing from.
Enemy Location.
Now you're squad is nice & safe in cover, ask your guys if they can see where the enemy is, once you've found out where they are put a marker n them & tell the squad where they are. While this is happening your squad should still be returning fire.
Winning The Fire fight.
Shoot them more than they shoot you.
Get suppressing fire on their position, keep their heads down, once your squad can move without being shot at move onto the next step.
Advance & Assault/Bug Out.
Now it's time to make a decision. Should you move up & take out the enemy, or pull back? Think about the surrounding terrain, would it be easy to flank the enemy? is there good cover? Keep in mind that as you advance your squad will be putting down less suppressing fire, so the enemy may begin to fire back.
If you decide to bug out then move back slowly & careful, keeping the enemy suppressed & staying calm, don't just sprint back, make it so the enemy won't notice you're leaving until you're gone.
If you decide to assault then you must think about how to go about this - use the environment to your advantage, if there's a ditch running along a flank use it to get close to your enemy - avoid running over open ground. Leave some of the squad behind to provide suppressing fire, remembering that the enemy may be moving up on them so you've got to make sure they're safe, and that you're medic's safe. Once you get to the enemy's positions use grenades to clear it, then when the enemy is suppressed, bleeding, confused etc. stop laying down fire & move in with shotguns & rifles on automatic. Remember to make sure everyone's mags are full before going in.
Bring your squad together, & check for Casualties and Ammunition (Cas&Amm) - make sure everyone is healed up and no one has run out of ammo, get everyone to tell you how much ammunition they have. Then carry on with your plan, or move back to the FB to start at preparation again. If you get contacted again go to Reaction To Effective Enemy Fire.
Hope it helps