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[AAR] Tranformers-Hummvee

Posted: 2010-10-31 16:50
by Phoenix4894
Allright, I was playing CoOp Style on the Veterans Gaming server, and I was very bored.
So I thaught, to blow up the "Bot-Heli" with the C4.
As I took distance to it, a AA-Hummvee drove to it, but I didnt see him, and I blew the stuff. Luckily the Hummvee surived, BUT he also TRANSFORMED...
this is what it looked like :)

Re: [AAR]Tranformers-Hummvee

Posted: 2010-10-31 20:30
by Tarranauha200
Ain`t that the new amphibius humvee?

Re: [AAR]Tranformers-Hummvee

Posted: 2010-10-31 21:23
by marcoscl

Re: [AAR]Tranformers-Hummvee

Posted: 2010-10-31 21:34
by DanishPride
I've come to eat your Lolcats!!!

Re: [AAR]Tranformers-Hummvee

Posted: 2010-10-31 23:24
by ledo1222
You dun goof'd it bro. Breaking the game 101.


Re: [AAR] Tranformers-Hummvee

Posted: 2010-11-03 00:50
by whatshisname55
That's American manufactured cars for you. ;)