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[AAR] Practicing Tactical Movement, Muttrah City, 20101111

Posted: 2010-11-11 06:50
by Cavazos

SUBJECT: Practicing Tactical Movement, Muttrah City, 20101111



Cover, Concealment, and Camouflage



I wanted to practice my tactical movement, so I joined a server and worked alone. I gained 9 kills before I died my first time then left the server. This took over the course of an hour and half. To accomplish this, I had to make sure I had maximum use of cover and concealment while having as much of 360 degrees of security I could obtain.

I studied the map to see where friendly forces were and help predict where enemy may be. I spawned at the FOB in docks and saw we have a pretty good ground force of infantry with a supporting AAV, so from the docks to the next objective flag there would likely be no enemy.

I took the most covered and concealed route I could towards the little oasis on the east side of the main west-to-east street that cuts Muttrah City in half. Movement was slow, smooth, and controlled. I would move alongside the many connexes, stopped at each corner before a major danger area to scan slowly around it while prone then crossing it and determine where I can be best put to use according to objectives we hold, placement of friendly units, and what I am capable of by myself as a lone rifleman.

Since I was by myself, I was conscious that I need cover which would cover my flanks as I observed an area. So corner of rooms that had an outside balcony were ideal, hiding in between statics that covered my flanks allowed me to camp streets safely, and when I had to run from an enemy unit of more than one infantryman then alleyways were my best friend. All of this worked out great for me. The buildings were my body armor.

Most of the round was uneventful, but my tactics and techniques would lead me as one of the top killers on the U.S. team rivaling that of the primary sniper. Even though I generally see Project Reality as uneventful and void of action, I remember the quote "Discipline must be habit so ingrained that it is stronger than the excitement of battle or fear of death." said by Gen. Patton.

This kept me focused and my tactics include camping the west-to-east roads in the center of the map the enemy would have to cross to accomplish their mission, camping the main highway, using a combination of hit and run attacks while maneuvering to neutralize the enemy from behind, locating enemy infantry and vehicles with use of binoculars from covered and concealed positions, and homing in on sounds of gunfire.

All of this led me to give numerous accurate reports such as "Two infantrymen spotted A89 heading north, one squad leader and one medic." and helped me surprise enemy forces by hitting them when least expected. Once I had engaged, I made sure to reposition quickly and leave the area if there were multiple infantrymen around.

I also camped bodies of enemies I killed but out of the three I camped none of them had a medic come for them. I did have to wait a few minutes for one body as the guy would not give up. The kill score helped me determine if my kill was for sure.

I did good. While I was slow, I definitely maximized my life. I can consider moving more quickly. I also need to practice these same techniques with a buddy that I can train with on a consistent basis.

Re: [AAR] Practicing Tactical Movement, Muttrah City, 20101111

Posted: 2010-11-11 07:37
by Murkey
Sounds like you had a good run - well done.

Muttrah is a great map for sneaking around in.

Disrupt and evade tactics can be a lot of fun:

Cheers, Murkey.

Re: [AAR] Practicing Tactical Movement, Muttrah City, 20101111

Posted: 2010-11-11 07:55
by amazing_retard
Sometimes I think people take this game a bit too seriously XD
Anyway well done.

Re: [AAR] Practicing Tactical Movement, Muttrah City, 20101111

Posted: 2010-11-11 20:46
by Cavazos
Murkey wrote:... Cheers, Murkey.
Awesome video Murkey, I loved the introduction of the unit. Haha.