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Something I thought you guys would enjoy

Posted: 2010-12-17 22:05
by 3===SPECTER===3
Hey guys, Since before PR:V was announced, I was kinda working on a PR/EOD minimod for myself. Of course after the announcement of PR:V I sort of stopped. But now, just to pass time, Im kinda working on it again, so I can at least get a taste of PR:V. Anyway, I was testing out the xfire video recorder and thought this would help pass the time will PR:V is released.

NOTE: This is not a leaked PR:V video! You should be able to tell its not by the PR:V guys since, the quality isnt as good :D

PR/EOD minimod - Xfire Video

sorry I cant embed it, I never get the embedding right :? ??:

Re: Something I thought you guys would enjoy

Posted: 2010-12-18 05:46
by sovietpolarbear
so you just showed EOD gameplay?

Re: Something I thought you guys would enjoy

Posted: 2010-12-18 14:00
by Wakain
lol comrade canadian polarbear, you've never played eod, have you?
was thinking about doing something like this for some time, just learning the skills required though.

Re: Something I thought you guys would enjoy

Posted: 2010-12-18 17:45
by 3===SPECTER===3
Lol yeah polar bear, its different from EOD. I have PR weapons in there, but you only really see the M16A1. And Wakain, its pretty simple, but I dont know how much time is left until PR:V releases. But since im really looking forward to PR:V, since ive always wanted a PR vietnam, hence the EOD mod I made, Ive just decided to continue working on this to pass the time. Im kinda making a USI one also.

Re: Something I thought you guys would enjoy

Posted: 2010-12-18 19:00
by Wakain
ha nice, I don't know if it's permitted, copyright-wise, and if you'd be willing to share but I would be interested if you'd had a good version working(for private singleplayer purposes you allhearing dev's!).
that together with the bfv voices I've recently learned to add would quite drastically change eod. :)
saw you had the sks in as well, looking good!

Re: Something I thought you guys would enjoy

Posted: 2010-12-18 20:12
by 3===SPECTER===3
Yeah all american and russian weapons are added in except the RPD, since PR does not have one. But I can't let you download a copy of what I have since it would no longer make it a personal mod, and yeah id have some issues with the DEVs. Trust me though, your better off waiting for PR:V then downloading my crappy version :D . And another upside to this is that I am running it with version 1.41, so I have artillery and unlocks available in singleplayer (which is something that doesnt work in the current PR unfortunately). And I plan on adding some of FH2's weapons to the mix. But I hope the video helps you guys cope with waiting for the real PR:V

Re: Something I thought you guys would enjoy

Posted: 2010-12-18 21:00
by Wakain
a shame, but very understandable.
I sure hope some light will be shed on PRV.