Most of us see bodies being flung into the air, hundreds of meters after a big explosion such as tanks, IEDs, mortars, etc.
But has anyone seen them being flipped into the air like as if they were on a giant trampoline or bungie cord?
Re: Trampoline Bug
Posted: 2010-12-29 05:14
that is pretty hilarious, nice vid. I noticed this also in Kashan. its fun to watch because sometimes they are flung beyond view distance
Re: Trampoline Bug
Posted: 2010-12-29 05:33
by VapoMan
haha this seems to happen more when people die inside tanks and apcs. One time I was in a chopper, we had jsut killed a tank and then I saw a couple of bodies fly up past the cockpit up in the clouds.
Re: Trampoline Bug
Posted: 2010-12-29 06:00
by guru951
Looks fun.
Re: Trampoline Bug
Posted: 2010-12-29 06:08
by Spuz36
Title of this made me think it was in the PR Bugs section of the forums and got moved.
Yea, think it is a battle strategy to distract you while you get shot in the face.
Re: Trampoline Bug
Posted: 2010-12-29 09:29
by Gore
hahaha, always make me laugh, bf2 ragdoll effects are hillarious
Re: Trampoline Bug
Posted: 2010-12-29 16:42
by Murphy
I've seen a few bodies bounce up out of view distance only to come down and bounce up again, on more then one occasion. I've also noticed this happens when you get direct hits on infantry, they can bounce 4-5 times before stopping. I think it may have to do with how much damage was dealt directly to the player, they must be retaining all that kinetic energy which the games lets run it's course.
Re: Trampoline Bug
Posted: 2010-12-29 16:44
by Zrix
I've seen that, always lolzy. Also seen people fly by my windscreen when I'm hovering up in the clouds.
Re: Trampoline Bug
Posted: 2010-12-29 17:39
by Mora
Its not a bug its a feature. LOL
Re: Trampoline Bug
Posted: 2010-12-29 20:12
by Bazul14
Yo, see FH2. There, if u get shot by a rifle, u fly like at least 20m, which is BS....