[PRSP] Suggestion. ZPU HUNT

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[PRSP] Suggestion. ZPU HUNT

Post by Psyko »

I dont often Suggest stuff. i mainly just respond to other peoples comments and im not very clever or analytical about it either, i blurt out the first thing i think of and i dont expect any way of a realistic disgussion to my ravings, but I have what I think is a good idea that could be implimented into Both PRSP and MP but for now i'd love to see it tried on SP first.

IDEA for Project reality: single player

BLUFOR vs Insurgents (COOP)

Clear a path for gunships. or [ZPU HUNT]

The objective is to get to the Insurgent main base by clearing a path for low flying gunships operated by up to 4 team mates.

Insurgents spawn at ZPUs (anti air guns) and begin firing at stuff. It is impossible to get to the insurgent main base until all the ZPUs are destroyed.

Each insurgent has unlimited ammo and the AA guns never overheat. they can fire off constantly if they want. this means if they a ground level target
they will keep pummeling that target until it is out of site, thus BLUFOR must negotiate the terrain and streets to disengage the insurgent bots all the while the insurgent bots approach the BLUFOR as they flank.

The insurgents need to be giving the impression that they are a mighty force of reckless angry mobs with ammunition up the ***. (not spawning all over the city, but just emminating from the neighborhood that the ZPU is situated in.)
Much in the way the cache system works, two ZPUs will be active. (but all the ZPUs will be on the map from the start. yes it would theoretically be possible to run ahead and destroy the ZPUs but there should be an area of effect placed on all future ZPUs, either that or a large out of bounds needs to be placed so blufor cant cheat)
the two active ZPUs will have very accurate bots, and a spawn point that only goes inactive when 4 or more OPFOR forces come into a 10M radius, they need to be very dangerous and taken seriously with possible a barricade around them (made of trash or something) to stop sharp shooters from knocking the operators off the weapon.

If there is an area of out of bounds This would be a mapper mission and not just a server side script. however if it is possible to get the ZPU
objects and have them spawn in the way insurgency works this might work too.

this game mode would work best with Urban maps or desert maps. but even in forest, hilly or jungle environments it would be very easy to hear the ZPUs.

Its important that the ZPUs fire randomly as if they were targeting aircraft and engaging them. otherwise the emmersion would be lost and BLUFOR would have a hard time locating them.

Game length would be pretty perfect if it lasted 50 minutes.
And it would be interesting if the OPFOR got civies that threw stones and revived fallen insurgents if at all possible.

I got this idea from a Call Of Duty game (dont let that put you off) where you gotta C4 a ZPU but with the current PR insurgents and the way weapons fire sounds are generated by the game environment and not by a background effect,
and with the never ending spawning hord of insurgents with a cocoffony of weapons choices ( mainly limited to PKM AK47 and RPG and Grenade launcher) this game mode would rely heavily on teamwork both by people on the ground and agile pilots reacting to lased targets.

I suggest 8-10 ZPUs to keep combat emmersive for the allocated duration. and to remove logistic trucks alltogether so that infantry must rely on helo logistic crate drops.
Might be fun for (example al basrah) to have access to maybe up to two heavy vehicles with no respawns such as warrior or skimitar, and a few Rovers with .50 cals.

This idea has been boiling in my head for a while now and every time i think of it i picture a heavy firefight that is designed in a linier way so BLUFOR is not raped from the rear and can use cover in a relativly easy way but fight a difficult overwhelming force. because if it was a difficult tactical mess multiplied by a difficult overwhelming force there would be no emmersion and people would be soured off the whole experience and just rage quit.

If i had the skills this whole scenario would have been posted up to the devs as a map file but alas i have tried many times and in the end i have settled on the fact that both BF2 editor and myself are retarded and dont work. So i am left only with the option of painting a picture of my idea and hoping someone with the talent and time can come along an try making this scenario work and hammer out any of the bugs, redundancies and improve ideas.
Im still thinking up stuff on this but for now thats all i got. any further suggestions would be cool.cheers.

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Re: [PRSP] Suggestion. ZPU HUNT

Post by theRVD »

This idea would be excellent with some type of patrolling or defensive insurgents. The way the current bot AI works suggests that they might just run off and fight, and leaving the ZPU mostly undefended. Thus spoiling the difficulty.

Another aspect to consider is the fact that the BLUFOR should not get any heavy vehicles (nothing above a 50cal). Also it would be too easy for the blufor to kill the ZPU if they made mortars..\

Having the ZPU spawn like the caches do would be best, but it wouldn't work very well if they spawned randomly. I suggest that they spawn within a 100-200 m radius of a strongpoint and have like 2-3 locations possible for it to spawn. That way the gameplay is much more linear like clearing out a city in a certain fashion of AA threats, instead of running all around like idiots. This would help stimulate some teamplay as well as everyone would be fighting in the same area moving to the same objectives. The counter argument can be employed that it would construe teamplay in the sence that it's too easy or arcade-ish, but many of these SP players don't cater to the same level of teamwork as some of the MP players.
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Re: [PRSP] Suggestion. ZPU HUNT

Post by Smegburt_funkledink »

*Smeggles seal of approval*
[R-Div]Robbi "There's nothing more skanky than eating out of a tub of hummus with a screwdriver."
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