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HMG problems.

Posted: 2011-01-05 01:38
by USMC scout sniper
Every single frickin' time I try to set up a 50 cal it doesn't work????? :confused: I've read the manual but still..........I cant get it right.I try to set up an FO but bots can't build them and the officer doesn't have an E-tool.(I don't like playing COOP servers) Can someone that did it help me please??????? :cussing:

Re: HMG problems.

Posted: 2011-01-05 03:37
by ballard_44
Most everything is already 'pre-built' in SP/COOP.

Be a SL...

Code: Select all

To deploy a structure follow these steps:
1) Select and activate the radio / cellphone.
2) Look in the direction where the structure should be positioned. It will be placed 10m
in front of you once you request it.
3) Press the secondary radio menu key (default: T).
4) Select ?DEPLOY ASSET?.
5) Select the structure you want to place.
You don't need supply crates like you do in MP.
And you don't need to use the 'shovel' to build the assets after placement.

The assets will spawn ready to use.

Re: HMG problems.

Posted: 2011-01-05 03:38
by dman248
If your playing coop, it should be built automatically, only razor wire needs to be shoveled in coop.

Just make sure you set up a FOB, then you can build the assets.