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[Video] Unscoped SVD powa

Posted: 2011-01-08 10:15
by Nebsif
When people see/pick up an unscoped SVD they usually go "WTF noob", but I say "FTW, noobs".
Recommended to watch for ppl who take scoped kits where ever they go, from assaulting an urban objective or playing skirmish maps.. I keep picking up tons of scoped AK74's on Silent Eagle skirmish and etc, which is just sad :P

Iron Ridge

Dragon Fly

Re: [Vids] Unscoped SVD powa

Posted: 2011-01-08 13:32
by Murkey
Never use marksman or SVD myself.

But I couldn't agree more on the scoped vs unscoped. After years of playing medic I understand the power of iron sights :D

Good vids, cheers!

Re: [Vids] Unscoped SVD powa

Posted: 2011-01-08 14:22
by samogon100500
Awesome gun.They got to much power in close distance and no recoil thats G3.
But AK-74 iron sight is my choose.

Re: [Vids] Unscoped SVD powa

Posted: 2011-01-08 15:17
by Nebsif
samogon100500 wrote:Awesome gun.They got to much power in close distance and no recoil thats G3.
But AK-74 iron sight is my choose.
Ofc, im not saying unscoped SVD is better, im taking it for teh fun and challenge :D
AK74 is my CQB favorite too <3