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[Map] Deagle/ Shipment/ Subpen (0.5km) [Released]

Posted: 2011-01-12 02:01
by Matrox
As many of you I'm sure are aware, occasionally when you want to play with your clan, you want to play on a very small scale, and enjoy a bit more action. For say, 2 on 2, Skirmish maps are too small, and it becomes a game of someone waiting in the middle of the map, and then picking you off from long range as soon as you pop into view.

To counter this, I have developed two maps, which I hope to release soon, loosley based around other maps from other games. these maps should hopefully be released next week, once I have got a small 16 man server up and running, which will have to be locked, as it will be running modified settings.

(Please note, the maps are more or less finished, however some decent lightmapping needs to take place!)


Based upon the Modern Warfare map, this map focuses on small packed firefights set in a fictional container yard.







Based upon the CounterStrike community map, this again is featured in an industrial storage yard. The maze of crates leaves many different ways of flanking around any enemy, with a small central area to focus most of the fighting.







From the Dice model, in a small scale battle.





Re: PR Clan/Fun maps

Posted: 2011-01-12 02:20
by Shovel
Amazing maps! can't wait to DL and try them out.

Re: [MAP] Deagle/Shipment (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-13 02:51
by Tomking
WIN - fantastically executed.

Re: [MAP] Deagle/Shipment (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-13 03:30
by Chuc
Totally put a pickup M60 kit in the middle of Deagle :p

Re: [MAP] Deagle/Shipment (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-13 05:05
by samogon100500
Deage looks like Counter-strike map o_O

Re: [MAP] Deagle/Shipment (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-13 05:16
by dtacs
Awesome, 1b from across the map.

Re: [MAP] Deagle/Shipment (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-13 05:30
by Silly_Savage

Based upon the CounterStrike community map, this again is featured in an industrial storage yard. [/quote]

[quote="samogon100500""]Deage looks like Counter-strike map o_O[/quote]

Good observation.

Re: [MAP] Deagle/Shipment (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-13 05:36
by Adriaan
Dust plz!

But srsly, that's pretty awesome. Can we get attack heli's on that? :p

Re: [MAP] Deagle/Shipment (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-13 05:56
by splatters
Needz tactical nukezx!!1!

Cute maps! :)

Re: [MAP] Deagle/Shipment (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-13 06:23
by ZephyrDark
If there was a hidden Apache off map somewhere, that would be epic win, haha.

Re: [MAP] Deagle/Shipment (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-13 11:14
by Rhino
Looks nice Matrox for a small simple map :)
[R-CON]Adriaan wrote:Dust plz!
Poe Dust - Point of Existence Forum
'ovisage' wrote: :bounce:

I have finally finished my map POE_Dust and am ready to release it.

Download (looking for more mirrors if i can get them, fileplanet should have a link soon)

To look at this map in a localgame, you need to select 'incursion' in the modes before you can select poe_dust.

This map only supports incursion, 32players


I am looking for servers to run the map, once I get that I will post more info :)
Is made for POE2 thou, you would need to get permission to use it for PR from the mapper if you wanted to :p

Re: [MAP] Deagle/Shipment (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-18 00:25
by Matrox
Added 1 new map, should have the pack released within the next couple of days, when I can get my server running them!

Re: [MAP] Deagle/ Shipment/ Subpen (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-18 02:21
by sylent/shooter
I dont remember that being a static in the actual game (subpen) is it expansion pack?

Re: [MAP] Deagle/ Shipment/ Subpen (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-18 02:39
by Shovel
Subpen reminds me of the first BFBC2 level.
(Not necessarily a bad thing)

Love the pack! Hopefully could get a dev blog/front page announcement so the whole community knows about it.

Re: [MAP] Deagle/ Shipment/ Subpen (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-18 03:20
by Murphy
Deagle needs the walkway over the middle for knife fights.

Awesome maps, will be very useful for CQB training.

Can't wait!

Re: [Map] Deagle/ Shipment/ Subpen (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-18 19:36
by samogon100500
Last one from BF:BC2?

Re: [Map] Deagle/ Shipment/ Subpen (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-18 20:21
by Maxfragg
subpen is based on statics form one of the BF2SF maps where you have to attac a large submarine-harbour, actually a quite nice map imho, though it never got played

Re: [Map] Deagle/ Shipment/ Subpen (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-18 21:53
by Matrox
Yup the static is just from the Sf expansion but is cloed off to form an arena that is large enough for abouyt 12-16 players.

If any server admins want to run these maps on their skirmish server, pm me and I'll send over the server files you when they are complete. The more who enjoy these maps the bigger my ego can get!

Re: [Map] Deagle/ Shipment/ Subpen (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-18 23:35
by Jigsaw


Re: [Map] Deagle/ Shipment/ Subpen (0.5km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-01-18 23:47
by Adriaan
Deep down inside we all just want to play counterstrike...