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Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 04:05
by Ddonegan
Here we are. Just a few months before the 1 year anniversary of when Pr:V was announced..
When I first read about it. I was ecstatic to see that Pr had come to vietnam.. Now almost a year later. We've heard nothing about it lately, and it seems Pr:v has faded away. Anyone else feel like a part of them is missing? I do.

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 04:41
by Acecombatzer0
Be patient, it is done when its done. Vietnam is alive and well.

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 05:57
I agree so long without even a pic or 2, I was also excited at first but my interest is fading, i dont want it to, so please give an update.

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 06:41
by dtacs
The low community interest is clearly due to the lack of information regarding the mod, no more information if any new modes are going to be introduced, only kit geometries vehicles and weapons alot of which are from EoD.

From what we've seen however one can judge it as nothing revolutionary since its just the same sort of factions as PR has now. Different guns, voices and vehicles, but overall its the same thing without a different gamemode. The most fresh thing to come in a long time will be the PSC and AAS4.

Since its going to be part of the regular PR mod anyway it will probably be played.

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 10:15
by Protector
I have to agree, wasn't the one and only update april last year and we are not far off a year without any more info.

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 11:03
by Wakain
allright, it's true, I'm not ecstatic or constantly excited. But the idea of having bf2 + vietnam + pr gameplay, in short having eod with very good, proven gameplay still fills me with joy. I'm sure that Trahn is still very busy in the background. sure, some pics now or then would be great but isn't it a bit weird to judge your own interest for a mod by the amount of pics they show?

have faith guys, pics will be shown when they're ready, the mod'll be done when it's done.
patient bear etc.

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 14:32
by Sindrio
Wait! It's been almost a year since it was announced?! Holy shit time goes fast D: When was it annoounced? I really don't bother checking it out xD

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 15:48
by ACE_FIN1972
Oh, I'm waiting this so much. I have always loved the jungle maps and there should not be desert in this release (I don't like desert maps). This will be the perfect PR game once it is released!

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 16:13
by Smiddey723
ACE_FIN1972 wrote:there should not be desert in this release (I don't like desert maps). This will be the perfect PR game once it is released!

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 16:14
by EW_SK
Sindrio wrote:Wait! It's been almost a year since it was announced?! Holy shit time goes fast D: When was it annoounced? I really don't bother checking it out xD
it was anounced the 1st or 2nd of April i remember cause most of people said it's an april joke , the dev then came and told us it was not

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 16:36
by AfterDune
It's alive, but progress is slow atm.


Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 17:59
by Serbiak
RUSSIAN147 wrote:I agree so long without even a pic or 2, I was also excited at first but my interest is fading, i dont want it to, so please give an update.
I believe your interest will come back very quick when it's getting close to beeing released :P

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 18:27
by Smiddey723
well lads, i think afterdunes pic of the menu is going to be as far as we get this time :P

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 19:40
by AnimalMother.
Sindrio wrote:Wait! It's been almost a year since it was announced?! Holy shit time goes fast D: When was it annoounced? I really don't bother checking it out xD
1st April

I'm guessing trahnlee who as i understood was pretty much the one man army behind the development of this is busy with life or something.

Everyone just has to outperform patient bear

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-17 20:13
by Republic_Commando
Patience young grasshopper.

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-18 00:40
by Bluedrake42
I heard somewhere that PR Vietnam was going to be released bundled with the Next PR update

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-18 12:04
by splatters
Maybe next april they tell it was april fools after all ;)

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-18 12:31
by MadTommy
Acecombatzer0 wrote:Be patient, it is done when its done. Vietnam is alive and well.
Unfortunately the BF2 engine is not looking so well these days. The longer it takes the less people will care or play it IMO.

Glad its still in development none the less.

When i 1st heard of this i was hoping we would get EOD with tweaked config & settings.. very much like the 1st few releases of PR was just BF2 with tweaked settings...but it would appear the Dev team have decided to release nothing until it is to the same level of development as the original PR is...meaning it'll take ages. :(

Re: Hype died down quite a bit?

Posted: 2011-01-18 13:10
by AfterDune
We're doing our best. In the mean time, listen to Stars & Bars Radio! :p