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[Video] Stopping Gary

Posted: 2011-02-10 19:47
by =zmYa=Boa75

Re: Stopping Gary

Posted: 2011-02-10 20:05
by Ironcomatose
Yup thats a pretty common way to do it.

Re: Stopping Gary

Posted: 2011-02-10 20:09
by goguapsy
I've seen several people killing the driver of a bomb car from about 3 ft away.

Insane. Saved the squad's life...

Re: Stopping Gary

Posted: 2011-02-10 23:24
by AquaticPenguin
Best I've ever done was at the start of a round on Fallujah back in 0.85

We began the round, grouped up and jumped in a humvee, just as we drive to the back of the fob a bomb car comes tearing round. I no-scope spray .50 cal him, the second bullet hit him in the head and he stops 2ft in front of me xD That was a good round :D

Re: Stopping Gary

Posted: 2011-02-11 12:51
by Pronck
Well when you follow my guide (Bombcar guide) the chance that you will get killed is around 80-20, well it is 20-90 usually. I don't like Big-Reds and Garies, although it is the best Insurgent weapon against the BLUFOR. Although a bombcar in the right hands is way more effective then a gary, but since you have a limited amount of them (Fallujah whe need more bombcars on that map and less garies) or a pretty long spawn time you are better of using the mass-produced JDAM Gary~!

Re: Stopping Gary

Posted: 2011-02-11 20:58
by Airsoft
Had that happen to me on fallujah where a gary was towards a squad of infantry at the arch. Whole squad opened fire on it and killed the driver, vehicle kept moving and ran over one guy :p

Re: Stopping Gary

Posted: 2011-02-12 22:39
by Click
Wow that is amazing to see that and most people who try that sadly never live to tell the tale.

Re: Stopping Gary

Posted: 2011-02-13 13:23
by Tompa
nice shooting !

Re: Stopping Gary

Posted: 2011-02-14 17:07
by =zmYa=Boa75
Tnx All. :)