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Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-02-12 12:30
by Fresz
Right, as some people in Poland said, Beryl cant be modernised any more. So guys came out with new assalut rifle MSBS.

Here is article (in polish) and pictures of it Altair - Nowy MSBS-5,56

I personaly think that Polish Project should go towards MSBS because it will be standard weampon for WP any way... (Iam Beryl lover but... we have to got foward)

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-02-12 12:52
by kuratomi1950
LOOKS EXACTLY! like the bushmaster adaptive combat rifle (ACR) -.-

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-02-12 14:11
by Wakain
I think an msbs (scar-h+acr and tar-21+l85?) model will only be necessary when they've fully replaced the beryl series

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-02-12 20:38
by GeorgRavioli
Oh god I hope that weapon doesn't replace the Beryl. So ugly. The Beryl is great. And I doubt the DEVs are going to make an entirely new model of a rifle that isn't in service yet.

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-02-12 21:26
by Damian(>>>PL
As we all know, PR is showing regural armies useing they'r regural weapons, and DEVs will never implement prototypes.

But anyway MSBS is the most SCiFi prototype I ever seen.
MSBS rifle detailed display by ~xaotherion on deviantART

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-02-13 19:57
by hurt_locker
Bullpup version of the Masada (ACR) That's cool! =D

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-02-15 08:35
by Dr_Wycior
hurt locker: the MSBS' designers are working even right now, so the final version gonna look nowhere near like the infamous ACR.
I know the model looks kick-***, especially bullpup with dedicated grenade launcher, but
the rifle isn't in service yet, and it won't be - until, let's say, 2016? See You in PR3 ;)

(I, personally, opted for the BF3, but DICE listen to majority of the players. And, judging by the EA forum, all the majority of players want is more of the same CoD/MoH toys. Me_so_sad.jpg )

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-02-15 09:54
by Damian(>>>PL
For this who are interested, thats how MSBS is looking with granade launcher.

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-02-16 04:19
by GeorgRavioli
Damian(>>>PL wrote:For this who are interested, thats how MSBS is looking with granade launcher.
That looks a lot better, but still resembles the ACR. Would you happen to know if the MSBS is based off of the ACR? I think it's a great design, but the Polish should stick with their Beryl rifles, since they're serving their purpose well, and they frankly look a lot better in my opinion 8-) .

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-02-16 14:05
by WilsonPL
MSBS is based off of the ACR?
No. Its different inside.

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-05-28 20:21
by simeon5541
Damian(>>>PL wrote:As we all know, PR is showing regural armies useing they'r regural weapons, and DEVs will never implement prototypes.
That is true !
PR devs are not some "Hey lets put XM8,SCAR,FN2000,Masada . . . That would be cool !! "
retards . . .

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-07-08 09:55
by USArmySoliderPL
Beryl is better :razz:

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-07-14 03:36
by Redamare
hmm its very interesting i like it :P if its a weapon they use . . go for it

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-07-15 14:11
by Fresz
Well, the way Polish Project is going - at the time when WP come out Beryl will be in history long time ago...

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-07-20 11:07
by simeon5541
CommunistColby71 wrote:Oh god I hope that weapon doesn't replace the Beryl. So ugly. The Beryl is great. And I doubt the DEVs are going to make an entirely new model of a rifle that isn't in service yet.
I saw Beryl on Partner 2011 in Belgrade,
it was most beautiful rifle of all that was shown on fair (to me),
looks so modern,but still it is a AK, :razz:
while this new rifle is really ugly and it is just experimental.
But Polis should keep it up in developing of new military technologies.

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-07-20 11:14
by Zemciugas
Some guy left his pimp my gun page open and some polish dudes decided that it's a cool design, so they made it lol :D

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-07-25 11:34
by Damian_
at the begin it was ugly but now its looking very modern, and not so bad.


Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-07-25 12:05
by foxtwofive
still don't understand why people post in this sub forum.

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-07-25 12:13
by Doc.Pock
to get a bigger e-penis? ;)

also that si one ugly gun IMO

Re: Beryl or MSBS

Posted: 2011-07-25 15:00
by foxtwofive
The Polish Forces will never make it into PR, why bother posting useless !@$#!...