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Creation of French Team

Posted: 2011-02-16 17:16
by Gary-c
Hi everybody,

I'm trying to create a French team. If you are 15-16 years old at least you can enter in the team. The beginners are welcome.

Bonjour ? tous,

Je cherche a creer une equipe de francais sur project reality car il y en a tres peu et sont souvent reservees aux plus de 19-20 ans. Celle-ci serait ouverte ? partir de 15-16 ans (voir en fonction des cas) et les debutants seront les bienvenus. Voila tout est dit, ou presque. J'attends encore de pouvoir reunir des membres pour trouver un nom etc.
Merci a tous et si vous connaissez des interesses faites passer le mot :)

Re: Creation of French Team

Posted: 2011-02-16 17:39
by Thermis
I'm assuming by team you mean clan as we already have people working on French forces in PR.

Moving to Clan section.

Also, translate the rest of your post into English please. English is the official language of this forum, you can have your post in two languages so it will be easily read by your target audience, but you have to translate everything you say in French into English.

Re: Creation of French Team

Posted: 2011-02-16 18:07
by Gary-c
Yes I mean clan.

There are few french clans and they are reserved to people of more than 19 years old so I want to create a team for 15-16 years old at least. I'm still waiting of new members then we will be able to search for a name etc.
If you know some people who can be interested by this anounce, please think to me :)

Re: Creation of French Team

Posted: 2011-02-17 22:22
by simeon5541
I don't know how I can help,
but I support you and I really want to see this faction !! :D
It would be cool to see jets on some map !!

Re: Creation of French Team

Posted: 2011-02-18 08:17
by MCI
simeon5541 wrote:I don't know how I can help,
but I support you and I really want to see this faction !! :D
It would be cool to see jets on some map !!
He's talking about a clan, as in a community that plays together.

You're thinking of an ingame faction, which is already in development:

French Forces - Project Reality Forums

Re: Creation of French Team

Posted: 2011-02-19 10:50
by Nick_Gunar
It is going to be hard because of two things: first, there are already 6-8 french clans in PR (I am talking about the active ones): roughly you have; the =ZT=, MIF, Heros, Cofra, BDM, Eagles, FoX, WaT, RAS, Easy, and I forgot some lol.
Second things is about maturity, I don't want to judge young players (14-16) but generally clans recruit players above 20 for that (even though in some cases, a 16-year-old can be more mature than a 35-year-old player lol). Alos, PR is a very mature game, won't see lots of kids stuff in a round.

Saying that, I wish you good luck. You can check this forum which regroups some french players: Planete Battlefield • Voir le forum - Forum Project Reality et PR ARMA II


Cela va quand meme etre dur pour faire ton clan car il y a deja pas mal d'equipes francophones, 6-8 pour les plus actives: =ZT=, MIF, Heros, Cofra, BDM, Eagles, FoX, WaT, RAS, Easy, et j'en oublie lol.
Ensuite, c'est par rapport a l'age; les equipes recrutent generalement des joueurs de plus de 18 ans pour leur maturite (et encore certains sont plus jeunes et plus matures que des gars de 25+ ans ;) ). D'autant plus que Project Reality est un jeu assez mature, quasi pas de gamineries dans les parties.

En depit de cela, je te souhaite une bonne chance dans ton entreprise. Tu pourrais aussi visiter ce forum qui regroupe des joueurs fr: Planete Battlefield • Voir le forum - Forum Project Reality et PR ARMA II

Re: Creation of French Team

Posted: 2013-06-28 14:54
by Gary-c
Just a little update ! Everything went according to the plan ... :D We now have 6-10 active members and it's pretty cool ! You can recognize us in-game, we are wearing the [S_Fr] tag !