1. In the launcher, click 'Options' and select the 'Global' tab. Check the 'Enable Local RCON Commands' option, click 'Apply' and then 'Close'.
2. Start a local or Co-op server.
4. Type in:
Code: Select all
rcon debug
Enabling debug mode is important as most commands cant be done unless debug is enabled.
Ingame Commands:
Ingame commands must be entered in chat by using the j,k or l keys, NOT in console.
Now that you're logged in and in debug mode you can use the spawner commands.
Its important that you DO NOT spawn anything that isnt in the map you are currently playing as it will crash the game. Example spawning a PLA tank on kashan will crash the game.
The spawner command is:
Code: Select all
rcon spawner thing_you_are_spawning
Code: Select all
rcon spawner us_trk_logistics
If I wanted to spawn the MEC marksman kit the command would be:
Code: Select all
rcon spawner mec_marksman
Code: Select all
rcon spawner mec_marksman_alt
Code: Select all
rcon spawner deployable_firebase
You can spawn any vehicle or kit on any team as long as it is on the map you are playing on.
Useful for testing and taking screenshots is the flying prbot. The command for that it:
Code: Select all
rcon prbot
There is another prbot with different controls, more sutable for smooth video recording. The command for that it:
Code: Select all
rcon prbot2
Code: Select all
rcon camera
For instant respawn type in:
Code: Select all
rcon ready playername
So If I wanted to do it to myself I would type in:
Code: Select all
rcon ready vapoman
Code: Select all
rcon ready v
Code: Select all
rcon oneman
Code: Select all
rcon start
Code: Select all
rcon onefaction
Code: Select all
rcon kits
To find out your current health value type:
Code: Select all
rcon health
To run a map in the your map rotation type:
Code: Select all
rcon map [i]nn[/i]
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
rcon teleport X
Vehicle and Kit Names:
To find the names of all the vehicles and kits locate the following directory:
Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\content
The kits_server.zip will have all the names of the kits for all the different factions.
The vehicles_server.zip will have all the vehicles names for all the diffents factions.
The common_server.zip has names for deployables, such as firebases, tows ect.
For reference here are the team names so you can identify which kits and vehicles belong to which armies and maps:
Code: Select all
cf = Canadian Forces
ch= PLA
chinsurgent = Militia
GB= British Forces
ger = German Forces
hamas= Hamas
idf = Israeli defence force
Mec = MEC
MEInsurgent = Insurgents
pickup = Random pickup kits (some of the insurgent and taliban kits are in here)
ru = Russian Forces
taliban = Taliban
us = USMC
usa = US Army