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[Video] KOKAN In-Game - Blackwater PR Server

Posted: 2011-03-03 00:29
by markdh1

Re: Video - KOKAN In-Game - Blackwater PR Server

Posted: 2011-03-03 00:53
by Cheiftain_UK
Learn to use the edit buttons :P

To embed just use the youtube button when in advanced posting mode and then put the values in the URL which are after the v ( in your case CQ7IkDLovNw)

Anyway, nice video!

Re: Video - KOKAN In-Game - Blackwater PR Server

Posted: 2011-03-03 05:21
by markdh1
Cheiftain_UK wrote:Learn to use the edit buttons :P

To embed just use the youtube button when in advanced posting mode and then put the values in the URL which are after the v ( in your case CQ7IkDLovNw)

Anyway, nice video!
Thanks. I can build web pages, web-sites, Flash banners, write code, design & deploy custom Flash Players but cant post a YouTube Vid on the PR Forums. :confused: Again Thanks.