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[AAR] NWA Server, Dragon fly, 6th April 2011

Posted: 2011-04-06 21:49
by declan54321
Just had an awesome round on the nwa server, playing as militia on dragon fly.

We started off trying to defend north west city with the field guns, and destroyed one Warrior with them...

We then built a FOB inside a H building, and had a very long firefight with endless British infantry, tanks, and apcs coming from the north. I destroyed a challenger with an ied, which I think sonic_waffle placed. He got killed by the challenger, but i picked up his kit and blew the ied up :)

We then moved up to the north and defended a five storey building. We had British infantry coming in from 360 degrees, including around 3 full squads that actually entered the building. But we defended it!

Here is a very short example of the mumble commands that were being shouted around then:

Enemy north! Need backup!
Roger that! Full squad south!
Enemies on the roof! Come here now!!!
We have a full squad in the building, west! Come down here!
More enemies east!
I need backup now!!

Etc. Etc.

At one point during that defence, a whole squad entered the door, but I had one of their specialist kits. I sprayed the corridor with the shotgun, and killed the lot. I turned around the corner going back to my squad, and one more jumped through the window. I was around 2 feet away when I shot him dead :)

It was a very epic round, and my squad were just brilliant...

Re: NWA Server, Dragon fly, 6th April 2011

Posted: 2011-04-20 18:12
by Orford
Awsome round mate, I wasnt on that day but if you have any more on our server the Battle recorder demos can be found on our website home page. Thanks for the feedback.

*NwA* Clan

Re: NWA Server, Dragon fly, 6th April 2011

Posted: 2011-06-07 12:28
by declan54321
Uploaded Video to YouTube; Please take a look!

Re: NWA Server, Dragon fly, 6th April 2011

Posted: 2011-06-07 12:32
by Arc_Shielder
declan54321 wrote:Uploaded Video to YouTube; Please take a look!

Fixed it for you. ;)

Don't include the whole url, just what's after the "v=".

Re: NWA Server, Dragon fly, 6th April 2011

Posted: 2011-06-07 12:35
by declan54321
Arcturus_Shielder wrote:Fixed it for you. ;)

Don't include the whole url, just what's after the "v=".
Ok thanks lol

Watch it as well; it was probably the most fun I ever had in PR ;)