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[AAR] My best PR moment so far!

Posted: 2011-05-08 21:17
by Vista
I was on the american side in a map (dont remeber the map but it had a place called dam... 8) ) So back to the story... I was a squadleader and my holl team was trying to cap Jabal Al burj, but when we were moving down the cliff we allways get shot, and didnt knew were the shots came from. So i popped smoke and me and my squad got into the city (stealthy). We move and got to a roof. And all of the sudden with my QLTD I spot in a mountain Half of the enemy team (MEC) in that mountain) I laze that with the QLTD with mortars and a few secs next.... BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM we KILL them all!!!
With that CAS mission my team managed to get in the city and we capped it!
My BEST PR off all time!!!

Re: My best PR moment so far!

Posted: 2011-05-09 09:46
by Ray Morgan
Map is called Jabal al Burj ;)

Re: My best PR moment so far!

Posted: 2011-06-05 17:46
by saXoni
Sounded like an awesome moment. Nothing is better than seeing enemies fly.

Re: My best PR moment so far!

Posted: 2011-06-06 09:35
by Mikemonster
Combined Arms in PR is brilliant fun, calling in CAS is like seeing the sky open up on your signal and just blowing the **** out of the target. thors hammer or something else ..

Re: My best PR moment so far!

Posted: 2011-06-06 10:49
My favourite moments are similar through Mumble calling in armour or CAS on the enemy so we can walk in.

The major plus point of PR for me too.

Re: My best PR moment so far!

Posted: 2011-06-06 18:57
by Arnoldio
Yes, those moments are epic, because there is teamwork.