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[Video] Tank Pwng!

Posted: 2011-05-20 13:20
by ralfidude
Jub and me got on together hoping to live at least 5 minutes. We instead got a whole hour of fun!

Re: [Video] Tank Pwng!

Posted: 2011-05-20 15:36
by DonDOOM
Nice vid once again, reminds me of all the good times I've had whilst tanking :p

Re: [Video] Tank Pwng!

Posted: 2011-05-20 16:26
by ma21212
Shoulda used the version by the Pixies ; )

Re: [Video] Tank Pwng!

Posted: 2011-05-20 19:19
by scope
Easy to stay alive with a tank on that map when the enemy had absolutely no air support. The havoc squad kicked *** that round with almost over 60 kills and no deaths.

Re: [Video] Tank Pwng!

Posted: 2011-05-21 05:46
by Fall
scope wrote:Easy to stay alive with a tank on that map when the enemy had absolutely no air support. The havoc squad kicked *** that round with almost over 60 kills and no deaths.
ye me and TIKKA did aight with teh havoc :P

and i like at the end " wow look at ***** chopper pilot*

Re: [Video] Tank Pwng!

Posted: 2011-05-21 13:12
by Daniel
:P as PILOT 59 kills? Your hydra messed everything up? Or more kills with the two stinger air-to-air?

Re: [Video] Tank Pwng!

Posted: 2011-05-21 15:51
by Mikemonster
Hahaha, you guys cleaned up..

Re: [Video] Tank Pwng!

Posted: 2011-05-21 20:09
by CoLdFiRe88
Reminds me of when I was in a tank battle and took out 2 tanks that were waiting for me and I was alone, ended up with about 8 tank kills that game :P

Re: [Video] Tank Pwng!

Posted: 2011-05-28 20:34
by Schneids
awesome. I haven't been in a tank in so long, your video just motivated me to go play tanker next time i play.

Last time I was in one was a TG locked server night on a huge desert map with the city in the middle (i know, I forgot the name :( ). We sat in one spot next to a farmhouse for like 30 minutes and ended up wiping out 4 challengers and a few other APCs.