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[Video] SpeedHound and the Chopper

Posted: 2011-05-26 11:18
by Robskie
Happened two nights ago on the NwA Server on Muttrah. Capping Western City before we were going on the assault, and the US team tried to get a few people behind us. Our Squad was on the apartment building trying to take out Transport Hueys and CAS Hueys, and well. . . this happened.

ENJOY. ... r_embedded

Re: SpeedHound and the Chopper.

Posted: 2011-05-26 11:31
Robskie wrote:Jabal.

Re: SpeedHound and the Chopper.

Posted: 2011-05-26 12:52
by deano-g
rob you idiot, and you probably wonder why you get so much stick lol

Re: SpeedHound and the Chopper.

Posted: 2011-05-26 16:06
by Robskie
OMG, this is the second time I've called it Jabal instead of Muttrah haha, yeah NO WONDER =[

Re: SpeedHound and the Chopper.

Posted: 2011-05-26 16:45
by Mikemonster

Posted: 2011-05-26 17:27
by declan54321
Lol that is a brilliant video!

I love the way that guy slides down the rope quickly lol.

And speedhound = Accelerati Incredibus LOL!

Re: SpeedHound and the Chopper.

Posted: 2011-05-27 16:16
by Spuz36
Haha, these short clips are always fun to watch!

Raining Hueys!

Re: SpeedHound and the Chopper.

Posted: 2011-06-03 17:44
by ukVandal

nice catch Speed.

Re: SpeedHound and the Chopper.

Posted: 2011-06-03 18:01
by Smiddey723
lol @ squished guy

Re: SpeedHound and the Chopper.

Posted: 2011-06-03 20:10
by Stealthgato
I hit it with the RPG26 at almost the same time Ghost shot at it with the MG3 at 0:45. He got the kill. I was sad face. Then awesome face when I looked down and saw Speed turn into a pancake. :D

Re: SpeedHound and the Chopper.

Posted: 2011-06-03 21:17
by Mikemonster
Stealthgato wrote:I hit it with the RPG26 at almost the same time Ghost shot at it with the MG3 at 0:45. He got the kill. I was sad face. Then awesome face when I looked down and saw Speed turn into a pancake. :D
All's well that ends well, as they say :)

Re: SpeedHound and the Chopper.

Posted: 2011-06-04 02:02
by Click
ouch that would have hurt and an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth thats the way it goes with hand held AA and choppers.

Re: SpeedHound and the Chopper.

Posted: 2011-06-05 01:38
by speedhound1-WYD-
the shame, the shame.....

i must have upset the chopper gods or something, my missile went way off the mark even after getting a nice strong lock on tone and i thought, "i know if i hurry and get back down to those 4 nice new ammo crates i'll reload quickly and i'll get the bugger on the way back"
last thing i remember is the sky going dark, looking up and thinking 'dead dead'.

tl/dr i showed him my manpads, he then wacked his massive chopper directly on my helmet, we both lost our dignity.

the shame

thanks to Naytdawg for a brilliant roadrunner themed vid, can someone photoshop 'ACME' onto my missile? loool

NwA speedhound